Amrita CBD: Medicinal CBD Hemp Oil Products for Humans and Pets

For the best CBD products for both people and their pets, Amrita CBD is the way to go. This company mainly aims to support local businesses in Colorado where they are based. They manufacture very high quality CBD products from the locally and organically grown Hemp.
The products are natural and non-psychoactive. As such, they only do their healing job to a person and his pet without causing any adverse side effects. For every profit made from the sale of Amrita CBD, a small percentage is given to the animals shelters in Colorado.
Amrita CBD products
CBD being a short form of cannabidiol, is a compound extracted from the Hemp plant. 99.9% CBD extract is used in the manufacture of Amrita CBD products and is completely free of any other compounds found in the hemp plant such as THC. Chromatography process is used in the extraction of CBD isolate ensuring zero THC is noticeable in the final product
Amrita range of CBD products includes full spectrum oils that contain terpenes and other naturally occurring phytocannabinoids for full potency. This allows each bottle to be pure and of high potency. Hence, only safe and high-quality products are produced for clients.
How it works
Amrita CBD products are also infused with avocado oil rich in Omega 3 and 9 fatty acids, which aid in the effective utilization of CBD benefits. These benefits range from clearing the head of stress leaving behind a peaceful and refreshed effect to freeing one from pain and inflammation. Besides, they improve the quality of sleep you get, therefore ensuring maximum rest during the night and a highly invigorated day after.
100% Organic CBD
Lovingly made of 100% organic origin, every bottle of Amrita CBD product is handcrafted and ethically sourced from Colorado—the home of industrial hemp cultivation.
For that reason, doctors and vets highly recommend this product, which leaves their clients healed and without addiction problems. Carefully monitored from the seed stage in the farm to maturity, no additives are used and hence only pure CBD extracted without a trace of THC, unless otherwise prescribed and even that is often less than 0.3%.