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Dr. Jamie Corroon’s CBD Dosing Consultant: Medical Cannabis And Cannabidiol Dosage Expert



Dr. Jamie Corroon's CBD Dosing Consultant

Dr. Jamie Corroon is a naturopathic doctor, and he has created an opportunity to show consumers exactly what they need to do to properly measure out CBD for their treatments. The services can be scheduled with a phone call.

Who Is Dr. Jamie Corroon?

When deciding to start taking a CBD supplement, one of the questions that every person has is regarding the proper amount that they need to take for their body. Too often, the answer tends to be about trial and error but treating the body need to come with something more certain. That is where Dr. Jamie Corroon comes in.

Dr. Corroon is certified as a naturopathic doctor, and he has been featured many times for his positive position on cannabis. Based in California, he also has a link to his website for a local facility called The Center for Medical Cannabis.

While most advice about THC and CBD has to be done in an office during an appointment, Dr. Corroon has made it possible to pay for and receive these types of services over the phone, according to his website The website includes two different consulting services.

What Services Does Dr. Corroon Provide?

According to the information online, there are two opportunities – a CBD dosing consult and a Medical Cannabis consult. These consults are meant for informational purposes exclusively and do not count as medical authorization for the use of either substance.

In the CBD consult, the customer gets a 15-minute phone call that has guidance about the use of CBD. He speaks about the user’s medical conditions and how they prefer to take CBD, basing his dosing instructions on those two factors. Then, he recommends the products that he believes would be best for the user, and let’s the user know the best place to purchase them.

During the medical cannabis consult, the participant has 30 minutes to speak with Dr. Corroon. Like the CBD consult, Dr. Corroon goes over the user’s medical conditions and how the user prefers to partake in cannabis to determine his dosing instructions. Also like the CBD consult, he makes recommendations on the types of cannabis and best places to purchase CBD products. However, he adds in a review of the participant’s medical history, possible interactions with existing medications, and support on the transition from prescriptions, if the user is making the switch.

Pricing For Consulting Services

Dr. Corroon’s services vary, based on the type of consult that the individual requests. For the CBD consult, users will pay $59, while the medical cannabis consult is $150.00. Either one of the services can be scheduled through the website directly, though it appears that the available dates are specific to weekdays.

After choosing a time zone and date, the user is required to make their payment ahead of time to secure their spot on the schedule.

Dr. Jamie Corroon Summary

The consulting services that Dr. Corroon provides are extremely helpful to CBD and medical cannabis users of all skill levels. Though the pricing may be high, the cost of misusing these substances comes with much greater consequences. Consumers that want the full experience of working by Dr. Corroon in their treatment can schedule an in-person appointment with the Center for Medical Cannabis Education in San Diego, California.

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