CBD Oil (Cannabidiol)
Veritas Farms: Full Spectrum CBD Oil Tinctures, Salves, Lotions, Gummies and Lip Balm

Trust is the essence by which CBD firms should operate considering that their success relies heavily on it. When consumers lack trust, they are most likely to choose a different brand, and if this is something consistent, said firms can forget about succeeding.
This holds true in any industry, but much of it is required for the cannabis market at this very moment. Primarily, the fact that existing research in numbers is relatively small along with legislations just beginning to take some form, consumers need a trustable CBD brand. This is where Veritas Farms comes into play.
Veritas Farms has been founded on the notion of trust, as “veritas” in Latin means “trust”. The purpose of this review is to assess whether trust simply rests in the name of the CBD focused brand or whether it has also been reflected in Veritas Farms’ essentials offered.
To get the complete picture, some of the aspects that will be outlined include its purpose, products offered, and the overall methodology used to prove to themselves and consumers that they can be trusted.
What is Veritas Farms?
As previously mentioned, Veritas Farms emphasizes on the need for trust and being trusted by consumers. In order to make this a reality, the CBD-focused brand has been on a lookout for detail every step of the way – that is, as early as the growing process all the way until the packaging of said products.
What’s Special about Veritas Farms’ Overall CBD Approach?
Based in Pueblo, Colorado, Veritas Farms claims to give equal importance to the health of plants, consumers and earth by ensuring their procedures do not negatively impact any of the aforementioned facets.
An example of contributing to plant health has been reflected in the attention each plant was given. In particular, it has been revealed that Veritas uses drip irrigation to ensure each plant is well hydrated while conserving the pure Rocky Mountain waters it is surrounded by. To maintain the environment for future generations, Veritas claims to retort to natural means free of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides to name a few.
Interestingly, the entire growing and extracting processes appear to be as natural as it gets. In particular, Veritas prides itself in growing, drying out their hemp and then hand-mashing it into fine powder. The powder is said to undergo a natural ethanol extraction, which is required to extract the full spectrum cannabinoid oil.
As for upkeeping quality every step of the way, a HPLC analyzer has been used. This also helps Veritas to remain compliant by the laws set by Colorado Department of Agriculture in relation to what an “industrial hemp” is.
Evidently, Veritas’ level of transparency is indicative of their urge to earn trust from consumers. This is great as consumers can better understand where their source of CBD or full spectrum is coming from and whether or not it is truly effective in bettering one’s health.
Now that we have an idea as to how Veritas approaches cannabinoids, let’s get right into business and assess the different products offered.
How Diverse Are Veritas Farms’ Essentials?
Veritas Farms’ essentials appear to be diverse because of the different infusions they have managed to create. In particular, consumers can expect to invest in tinctures, salves, capsules, lotions, pet tinctures, gummies, lip balm and massage oils.
Based on popularity, it seems like consumers’ pick is the Full Spectrum CBD Massage Oil, as it is currently sold out. As per the claims made, the massage oil is helpful in easing one’s back. Not does it only contain full spectrum (CBD, CBG, CBC, CBN, flavonoids and terpenes), but it also contains jojoba oil.
Jojoba oil has been praised for its ability to promote skin health. In particular, its uses have been deemed to balance oil production in the skin, reduce skin inflammation, increase hydration levels and serve as the foundation to gradually reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Ultimately, it is clear that the Full Spectrum CBD Massage Oil is a dual-purpose product!
Another common product found across the CBD industry is that of the Full Spectrum CBD Tincture. Veritas’ version contains 50mg of full spectrum per ounce and also contains MCT oil for optimal bioavailability. As for its flavors, consumers can choose between Citrus, Peppermint, Watermelon and Strawberry with its potency ranging between 250mg and 2000mg.
A preference for CBD seen in the general public comes in the form of CBD gummies because it is a snackable and successfully masks CBD’s natural grassy taste that many seem to dislike. Veritas’ gummies claim to contain 5mg of CBD per piece with added organic ingredients for taste. Consumers can also retort to its melatonin version, given that restlessness and insomnia are growing concerns.
Veritas Farms Review Summary
By looking at the sample analysis above, we can easily learn a lot about Veritas Farms. Namely, they support the use of whole plant and believe the synergy formed in combining cannabinoids to being most effective in healing health concerns. Also, to ensure that each solution is as potent as it gets, every added ingredient is said to come from clean processes, as opposed to added sugars and artificial components. Next, options appear to be endless in terms of the type of delivery found, which is crucial given each individual has his or her own favorite.
As previously mentioned, being transparent appears to be part of what Veritas is all about, as they’ve since shared their source of hemp, and the overall process they’ve undergone to bring the end product. It would have been an asset if the brand provided lab results as well, but this can easily be received upon request based on the nature of the firm.
Finally, the prices appear to be reasonably chosen, as they range anywhere between $3.99 and $49.99. However, the range may widen given that there are options for strengths to choose from. For more information on Veritas Farms, check out: https://www.theveritasfarms.com/