CBD Oil (Cannabidiol)
Surterra Therapeutics: Buy CBD Oil, Patch, Lotions, Vape Pens and Cannabis Wellness Products

The earth is housed with a wide range of plants that have been deemed essential in promoting mind and body relaxation. Of the plants that exist, the cannabis sativa plant has been exponentially exposed to consumers as being the ideal solution to anxiety, chronic and acute pain, immune and skin health and much more. Why is this so? All credit supposedly goes to the plant’s cannabinoids, especially one particular called cannabidiol (CBD).
One CBD-based brand has focused on this aspect found on the earth, as given in their name, and it is none other than Surterra Therapeutics, where “sur” in French means “on”, and “terre” in French means “Earth” (whether this was intentional remains a mystery). Based on the claims made, Surterra focuses on three facets of a product, which include components being naturally cultivated, ensuring access and bringing lots of options.
The following review will look closely at Surterra with respect to its purpose, products and how the aforementioned three aspects have been reflected in their products.
What is Surterra Therapeutics?
Surterra Therapeutics has been founded on the idea of unleashing the benefits of cannabis via CBD-infused products. To date, there exist 18 stores with three more soon opening. This is indicative of how reliable Surterra Therapeutics is as well as the trust relationships they were able to build with customers to achieve such growth! Let’s take a closer look at some of the CBD options consumers have access to.
What Does Surterra Therapeutics Offer?
Surterra Therapeutics has successfully come up with five CBD options to choose from, which include Concentrates, Tincture Oils, Lotions, Transdermal Patches, and Vape Pens. Here’s a brief analysis of what is housed within each category of products:
Two essentials are found under Concentrates including the Relief Pure Reserve Oil and the Zen Pure Reserve Oil. The former has been created with the intention of ridding pain, discomfort, and potentially lifting one’s mood. Each concentrate contains a total of 90mg of CBD and THC, with 9mg of CBD and 81mg of THC. The reason for increasing the amount of THC present, as per Surterra Therapeutics is because of its significance in easing significant pain compared to CBD.
Similar to the Relief, the Zen entails ridding pain as well, but it also has the potential to reduce stress. Like the prior, it too contains 90mg of CBD and THC, but this time its breakdown is 18mg of CBD and 72mg of THC. This implies that the Zen could be used for lesser pain experienced compared to the use of Relief.
Tincture Oils
Tincture Oils come in three types, Calm, Soothe and Serene – which are all clearly working towards stabilizing one’s mood and easing one of from epilepsies and seizures. The tinctures are CBD-dominant, as seen with Calm (18.5mg daily), and Serene (16.7mg daily), while Soothe contains a balanced quantity. What makes these tinctures mood-lifting is supposedly the addition of terpenes, the cannabis sativa plant’s natural flavor profile. Lastly, all three tinctures come in varying strengths including 300mg, 600mg, 675mg, and 1350mg.
Both the Calm and Soothe from above have been reconstructed in topical solutions. The Soothe Topical Lotion is deemed essential for chronic illnesses because of its ability to provide localized effects. Its content contains a 1 to 1 ratio of CBD and THC. As for the effects of the Calm, which is CBD-dominant, consumers can expect it to reduce spasms and induce body relaxation.
Transdermal Patches
Again, consumers have the option between choosing the Relief or Calm Transdermal Patches, both of which can be considered as alternatives to the lotions. In particular, Relief works in providing a steady release of natural compounds that way one’s chronic and acute pain is eliminated. As for Calm, it serves in a similar way but is more appropriate for general pain. The difference between the two, as previously noted, is that the former is THC-dominant, and the latter is CBD-dominant.
Vape Pens
Vape essentials appear to be the most emphasized, as Surterra Therapeutics carries a wide range of vape pens, cartridges, and the necessary batteries to name the least. Given its extensive line, let’s take a closer look at the ReviveAM Vape Pen.
ReviveAM is proclaimed as a daytime formula that eases the pain while providing one with the necessary energy to carry out one’s day-to-day activities. It seems to contain a well-balanced concentration of CBD and THC (115mg of each respectively) to help consumers relax both the mind and body.
Based on the analysis above, it is clear that Surterra emphasizes on full spectrum, as it contains a mix of CBD, THC, and terpenes – which in combination is believed to induce therapeutic effects. Interestingly, each THC-dominant essential is made for those with unbearable pain, compared to CBD-dominant, which seems to focus mainly on general pain. This has never been detailed in such a way by any brand, and it is worth praising, considering the fact that THC has been frowned upon in comparison to CBD.
Surterra Therapeutics Review Summary
Overall, Surterra’s focus on natural cultivation, accessibility, and offering options has clearly been reflected in each and every essential. For instance, to ensure the process of extracting the cannabinoids are natural, Surterra claims to monitor and calculate every step of the way and has since devoted a section in which consumers can access lab results based on the batch number found on each bottle. This is as transparent as it could get, as most brands simply enclose the lab results of a specific product in general, and not per product.
Next, to ensure consumers have access to Surterra essentials, the team has since created a page that explains the different steps it will take via the medical marijuana use registry. Lastly, Surterra Therapeutics clearly doesn’t fall short on diversifying their line of cannabinoids-infused essentials, as different delivery methods have since been considered and acted upon!
Another factor that makes Surterra Therapeutics unique from its competition is the fact that they continue to educate consumers on the use of cannabinoids. This is crucial as not all consumers have equal knowledge on its administration. Who could forget their enclosed price guide, which is definitely thoughtful, as it is easier to compare and contrast! For more information, check out: https://www.surterra.com/