CBD Oil (Cannabidiol)
Soothe Life: Premium CBD Oil Drops, Gummies, Edibles, Rubs and Vaporizer

Projections and research show that the growing CBD market could eventually grow to dwarf the existing marijuana and cannabis market. As a result of both the national scalability of the CBD industry and the lack of intoxicating effects in the substance, it is clear that the era of CBD is upon us. But in this competitive industry, consumers are often looking for far more than simply a quality CBD product.
And with so many companies vying for the patronage of the millions of potential CBD users all over the United States, it is difficult for the average consumer to discern fact from fiction and pick the CBD company and product that is truly right for them. Luckily, the community of hemp-based product users is incredibly committed to the education and empowerment of its consumers.
Soothe life is yet another example of a company with a vested interest in providing its patrons with all the information they might need to make an informed decision on the nature of their involvement with CBD and hemp-based oils and products. Complete with an entire blog and FAQ dedicated to the proper ways that hemp-based CBD can or should be used, the Soothe Life website is a testament to informed consumerism.
In this same spirit of education, this guide has been created as a resource for readers who might be interested in trying some of the offerings of Soothe Life. As always, individual, independent research should be conducted before any purchase is made, especially those purchases involving a new dietary supplement such as non-intoxicating CBD.
Soothe Life Products
Puffs are the first and among the most popular products outlined on the Soothe Life website. Puffs, as the name might suggest, are taken by being inhaled. This makes them a very popular method of using CBD, especially given the significant popularity of vaporizers and vapes all over the United States. The puffs with only one flavor at the moment—guavaberry—but is available in one, three, and five packs.
Unfortunately, the puff CBD vaporizer is sold out at the moment. It is unclear thus far when exactly Soothe Life will refill their stock of CBD puff vaporizers, but it is likely to happen sometime after the holiday system is over. In any case, the puff product’s being sold out evidences the popularity of the vaporizer system as a method of delivering CBD into the body.
Organizing their product lines by the method of ingestion, Soothe Life then explains that they have a selection of edible CBD items for sale, referred to on the site as noms. However, the “noms” page seems to be out of commission, with visitors being confronted with an immediate “404 page not found” error. Again, it is unclear why this is the case, given that much of the global sale of CBD products comes from the purchase of gummies or similar CBD-based edibles.
Looking through the rest of the site, it appears that most of their edible products—including gummies and most powders—are currently sold out on the main website. This, once again, is to be expected around this time of year. Loved ones have likely stocked up on CBD items for their hemp-loving significant others, friends, and family. Once the holiday season is over, perhaps Soothe Life will replenish their supply and re-up the broken parts of their landing pad.
Drops are a somewhat newer method of using CBD to hit the market. Some companies refer to them by the name “tinctures,” and others have additional names for the products. But across the board, it is clear that the core idea is the same. These CBD products are liquids administered under the tongue, absorbed into the body this way.
Because these drops are administered in this way and taken into the body through the bottom of the tongue, they are usually very powerful, potent, and flavored. This makes them an ideal choice for consumers interested in a quick fix of CBD without the hassle or difficulty of some other methods of application.
Finally, Soothe Life comes to a selection of products which they absolutely do have in stock, their rubs. CBD rubs have never been incredibly popular, and remain somewhat unexplored by many within the expanding community. But Soothe Life offers one rub, the Nano Relief rub. It comes in three different sizes, although only the one-pack is currently available.
Soothe Life Reviews
The community is not rife with very many reviews regarding Soothe Life. In fact, some of the few reviews available are on the Soothe Life site itself, making them particularly unreliable. As a result, it is unclear to how well the gummies, rubs, and drops are perceived by the community. However, their employees typically rate the organization as a trustworthy place to work. Consumers should conduct outside research before trusting the company.