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Primary Organics CBD: A Look at a Brand New Hemp Oil Tincture

Compared to marijuana, CBD continues to be all the rage, as it carries anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties and is non-psychoactive. So far, it has been deemed effective in treating seizures, chronic pain, anxiety, stress and insomnia. That said, the one drawback in this industry is that it quickly got saturated, hence consumers are faced with unequal products.
Bearing the aforementioned in mind, the purpose of this review is to provide a complete breakdown on a new entry and this is none other than Primary Organics CBD. Some of the factors that will be covered today include the source of hemp used, extraction processes and lab testing among others.
What is Primary Organics CBD?
Primary Organics CBD is a CBD oil that supposedly contains certified organic hemp grown in the USA. It is also trusted as being free of any fillers, pesticides, herbicides and THC.
How was Primary Organics CBD made?
In order to create the Primary Organics CBD oil, the team seems to have used two processing methods. The first is called cold pressed method of extracting CBD, which is considered the most natural and environmental-friendly approach to date. The second process is called CO2 extraction, which unlike the former, forms a concentrated CBD that requires some form of carrier oil. To ensure solutions are free of THC, triple filtration technology was considered.
Primary Organics CBD Final Thoughts
Based on the analysis above, the team at Primary Organics CBD had all the intentions most CBD firms have in delivering a product. Unfortunately, one should be careful with the Primary Organics CBD oil because of the lack of transparency.
For starters, there’s no mention on the concentration of CBD per bottle. This is crucial to determine the strength of the solution and whether it is suitable for each consumer. Second, claims of third-party lab testing have been revealed, but a certificate of analysis (CoA) has not been provided. In addition, the source of hemp used was not identified down to the state.
Next, it seems like there is a free trial in place, but nowhere in the terms and conditions have they explicitly stated how it works. Another area that requires clarification is that of the extraction processes. In particular, the team seems to have used two types, which is confusing as firms normally tend to stick to one. Finally, consumers should be aware that purchasing this respective oil implies signing up to a monthly membership.
Given rise to all the unknowns listed above, consumers are highly encouraged to contact customer service at (833) 408-0060 with any doubts or concerns prior to making a purchase.
To learn more about Primary Organics CBD, click here.