CBD Oil (Cannabidiol)
Highland Pharms: Best CBD Hemp Oil Drops, Gummies, Vape Juice and Pills?

The world of CBD medication, oils, and balms can be confusing. With thousands of different products touted by hundreds of companies globally, the market becomes more saturated with each passing day. It is difficult for the average consumer to sift through information to find the best product for them. And even when the customer finally finds what they were looking for, a slew of educational barriers make it hard to determine logistical concerns such as dosage and effectiveness.
Some companies, though, are working to combat ignorance and promote knowledge in their consumer-base. Highland Pharms serves as a perfect example of this type of company. Their site is positively filled to the brim with information on their products, as well as CBD usage in general. Serving as both a resource and a promotional website, Highland Pharms seems to be working hard to establish an informed client-base in the evolving market of CBD oils and products.
This guide will detail some of the main components of the Highland Pharms company, including their history, product selections, reviews, and reputation. As always, it is important that any potential user of a CBD product consult with their personal physician, as well as conduct their own independent research on the topic, before integrating the substance into their dietary supplement regimen.
The Highland Pharms Philosophy
The company’s website is filled with information relating to their complicated philosophy on the place of CBD and hemp in the commercial and medicinal sectors. In one section dedicated to their product quality, Highland Pharms explains that the “growing of plants” to be used as natural remedies for a variety of issues is an important part of modern medicine.
Further, this hemp producer believes that large pharmaceutical companies are a problem, and that they need to “go away.” While this is likely a bit of an over-exaggeration, this kind of philosophy is not unexpected for a producer of non-traditional medicinal substances. Because negative side effects of hemp, CBD oil, and Moringa pale in comparison to the sometimes-disastrous potential effects of many common forms of medication, proponents of CBD oil see it as a healthy alternative to traditional forms of medicine.
Part of the company’s commitment to CBD as a viable form of medication comes from the story of their co-founder, Luke Johnson. Johnson lost his battle to cancer in 2016, but experienced the serious benefits of CBD, which helped to mitigate the awful side effects of his cancer medication. He continued to share the benefits of the plant with others and eventually used his own troubles to create the company which seeks to similarly help others today.
Highland Pharms CBD Quality
Highland Pharms is actually one of the few companies in the growing CBD industry to openly display the results of quality tests on their websites. In the eyes of most reviewers, this should be seen as a major selling point, both in the legitimacy of the company and the trustworthiness and transparency of those running it.
To start, Highland Pharms sources their extract from plants located exclusively in Colorado farms. The first American state to legalize marijuana, Colorado has often been touted as the leader in the production of quality hemp, CBD, and cannabis products. The specific farmer who supplies the Highland Pharms plants had originally grown and perfected his plants in Northern California, but moved his operation to beautiful Colorado to expand and produce with even greater quality.
As a result of the deeply personal relationship between the company and their plant supplier, Highland Pharms can guarantee that their plants are grown without the use of GMOs or harmful chemicals, making them completely safe for consumption in the form of CBD oils and hemp-based products.
Even more importantly, the company has provided its customers with a genuine copy of their CBD potency test results. These tests are fully-certified and show that Highland Pharms’ oils are around 61% pure CBD—an impressive number in the current market. This means that Highland Pharms can certify and guarantee to its customers that the product they receive is chalked full of the CBD integral to their desired healing effects.
Dosage Information
Highland Pharms is bound by rules from the FDA regarding CBD oil. As it stands, the FDA requires companies to treat CBD and hemp products as a food, and never as a genuine treatment for “any health condition.” As a result, the company is unable to recommend any specific dosages to its visitors, as doing so would imply that a certain amount of CBD could treat a condition.
Despite this hiccup, Highland Pharms still tries to provide their customers with information relating to the products they want to buy, particularly concerning dosages and uses. They do so by linking to an external informational site, which can be found on the “How Much CBD Should I Take” website.
Reviews and Reception
Highland Pharms seems to be a relatively small company at the moment, despite their extensive history. Most reviews are stored on the Highland Pharms site itself. In their review, this CBD company scored an average score of 8.6 out of ten, a respectable score for any organization. Reviewers were quick to point out the effective educational efforts of the company as a bonus, and critics were very impressed by the quality of many of the oils sold by Highland Pharms. On the negative side, though, many users remarked that the products both smelled and tasted bad. While this is usually par-the-course for CBD oils, it should be noted by potential customers.
Overall, Highland Pharms presents itself as a company with deeply personal philosophy, a commitment to educating their consumer-base, and a quality-assured source of hemp and CBD products. But as always, readers should conduct their own research before attempting to use any CBD product.