RE Botanicals: CBD Company News and Product Review Updates
RE Botanicals: Pure Organic Full Spectrum Hemp Apothecary Tinctures, Soft Gels and Pet Products
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a compound majorly found within cannabis plants. It is highly concentrated in part of the said plant called hemp and has since been shown to improve many aspects of human and animal health. Many argue that its uses are beneficial primarily because of the body’s natural source of cannabinoids, and when combined, brings optimal results with respect to one’s mental, physical and, in many cases, emotional health.
At the end of the day, whether or not CBD-infused essentials promote wellbeing depends on its quality, extraction process along the potency of the solution to name the least. One particular brand stands out when it comes to offering CBD essentials and it is none other than RE Botanicals.
The first thing that might attract consumers to RE Botanicals is their core value, which goes as follows: “Healthy soil creates healthy plants, healthy people and a healthy climate.” How has RE Botanicals’ core value been reflected in the essentials offered? As per the claims made, it was possible through holistic approaches.
The purpose of this review is to expand on the different branches of RE Botanicals. Some of the factors that will be considered in understanding RE Botanicals incomplete include its purpose, their proclaimed holistic approach and a dive at their CBD product line.
What Is RE Botanicals?
RE Botanicals allegedly flourished into existence because of the typical practices followed by other firms. This is primarily in relation to US-based hemp that is deemed to be grown with the use of chemical fertilizers, GMO corn and soy products that contribute towards climate change at large, with human health at risk as well.
With this in mind, RE Botanicals made it their goal to “renew, regrow and regenerate,” all of which signifies their role in ensuring richness of soil and sustainable and environmental-friendly practices. Some of the measures they’ve taken since include ensuring hemp is organic, the third party tested and US-grown.
The notion of something being organic implies that each essential is free of toxins and pesticide use, which is further supported by lab tests. Finally, US-grown (i.e. in Colorado) simply indicates the legitimacy of the brand, as the US is known for its strict guidelines and expectations with respect to hemp growth, CBD extract and safe THC (mind-altering properties) doses allowed.
What Makes RE Botanicals Holistic?
RE Botanicals deems its processes as “holistic” because of “regenerative agriculture”. According to the claims made, regenerative agriculture is a farming practice that has the potential to fight against climate change by rebuilding soil and restoring degraded soil biodiversity, which in turn might positively impacts water quality. It is holistic in the sense that it captures photosynthesis in plants, which block off carbon presence and ultimately contribute towards the strength of nutrients found in plants.
This is definitely a thought-provoking step taken by RE Botanicals, as their approach towards human wellness starts by looking at the whole picture (i.e. nature) and understanding the potential chain reaction that can either make things better or worse.
Hence, care has been given to nature and humans, which is ideal when choosing a CBD brand. This is primarily because we are dealing with a cycle that includes the hemp plant, the extraction process and the end product and if each step is not equally emphasized, the quality will be of concern.
RE Botanicals Products
At the time of writing, RE Botanicals currently offers three unique infusions of CBD, which are found in their tinctures, softgels and pet solutions.
Hemp 15 is one of RE Botanicals’ tinctures worth considering, as each serving is said to contain 15mg of full-spectrum hemp oil, which is a term that implies more than one type of cannabinoid, i.e. like CBD, has been included.
As for its CBD benefits, different consumers were able to make different uses of it. While some found it helpful in easing anxiety, others believe it to be supportive in ridding body pain, lack of sleep and upset stomach. As for the tinctures’ strength and flavor, consumers can also go with a 25mg full-spectrum and either natural or peppermint flavor respectively.
Re Botanicals Tinctures | Prices |
15mg Hemp Classic Tincture 30ml | $49.99 |
15mg Hemp Peppermint Tincture 30ml | $49.99 |
25mg Hemp Classic Tincture 6ml (trial size) | $14.99 |
25mg Hemp Peppermint Tincure 30ml | $79.99 |
25mg Hemp Peppermint Tincture 100ml | $169.99 |
25mg Hemp Classic Tincture 30ml | $79.99 |
25mg Hemp Classic Tincture 30ml | $169.99 |
50mg Hemp Classic Tincture 30ml | $139.99 |
For those who prefer to avoid the taste of oils or tinctures, RE Botanicals has also offered a softgels version called the Hemp 450, which like the aforementioned essential, contains 15 mg of full-spectrum.
In most cases, consumers prefer softgels or capsules because of the accuracy of CBD concentration per serving along with its inability to produce a mess. However, many argue that oils and tinctures are more effective, as it allows one to truly test their tolerance levels with the smallest drop possible.
At the end of the day, both solutions are efficient, and consumers can simply go by choice or by how immediately they want results. In the case of the latter, tinctures are said to bring sooner results, say within 10 and 20 minutes and can last anywhere between 4 to 6 hours, whereas softgels need at most 20 minutes and may last anywhere between 4 and 10 hours.
Re Botanicals Capsules | Prices |
15mg Hemp Classic Capsules 10ct | $19.99 |
15mg Hemp Classic Capsules 30ct | $49.99 |
15mg Hemp Classic Capsules 60ct | $79.99 |
Relief Body Oil
Re Botanicals Body Oil | Prices |
200mg Hemp Relief Body Oil – Lavender | $29.99 |
200mg Hemp Relief Body Oil – Pepperming | $29.99 |
200mg Hemp Relief Body Oil – Ginger Lime | $29.99 |
500mg Extra Strength Relief Body Oil – Lavender | $39.99 |
500mg Extra Strength Relief Body Oil – Mandarin Turmeric | $39.99 |
Pet Solutions
As for pets, pet owners can administer either the Hemp for Pets or the Hemp 300 Tincture for Pets. The difference between the two solutions is the strength of CBD infused, as the latter is believed to contain more mg of CBD per serving compared to the former. Regardless, like humans, pets should also undergo trials starting with small quantities prior to giving heavier doses.
Re Botanicals Pet Tinctures | Prices |
300mg Hemp Tincture for Pets 10mg per 1ml dropper | $39.99 |
RE Botanicals Conclusion
Overall, RE Botanicals appears to be of value considering the level of thought process that has been reflected in ensuring wellness for plants, humans, oceans and in trying to fight off climate change.
Another facet that makes RE Botanicals a feasible option is their commitment to transparency, as every step from the extraction process to the final product has been detailed. In addition, their use of full-spectrum cannabinoids is clever, as existing studies have confirmed that the interaction of different cannabinoids is superior in bringing desirable results compared to pure CBD extracts.
The one thing that needs improvement is their product description, as only a general description is provided as supposed to the necessary “ideal” intakes, especially for pets, where standard doses are recommended based on their respective needs and sizes. To learn more about RE Botanicals, check out: