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Joy Organics: CBD Company News and Product Review Updates

joy organics

Joy Organics: Pharmaceutical-Grade Hemp CBD Oil Products with No THC?

Cannabinol (CBD) is extracted from the hemp plant and has recently been making waves for inducing a wide range of health benefits. What stuns, and even brings doubts to consumers regarding this component, is the fact that hemp is derived from the same flowering plant as marijuana. As more educational material makes its way, consumers have become more open to the idea of using plant-based solutions to better health.

One particular CBD brand stemmed out of a personal experience in which chronic pain and restless sleep left an individual hopeless. In conducting research, the said individual found that not all CBD products are made equal and hence, do not always bring results. To rid the market of the bad, Joy Organics came into existence.

The following review will look closely at Joy Organics with respective to its pureness, purpose, overall extraction process, products offered and more. By the end of this review, consumers should have some sense as to whether the brand is trustworthy, reliable and effective in bringing health benefits.


What Is Joy Organics?

Joy Organics is a brand that specializes within the CBD industry. It was created with the intentions of providing consumers with the “most pure, organic, and bioavailable full spectrum cannabinoid products on the market,” as shared on their official website.

The need to bring said brand into a market that’s gradually becoming saturated, supposedly stems from the fact that not all brands are good and have been created with the right intentions. To further understand how Joy Organics carries itself as a “pure and organic brand,” let’s take a closer look at the overall production process.

According to their official website, Joy Organics’ hemp is Colorado-grown, a state in which strict standards exist. A state-of-the-art farming process is said to be applied in which farmers follow strict guidelines and stick to organic approaches.

After having chosen the location, Joy Organics explored ways to process raw hemp and it looks like after harvesting, the leaves are dried – which is then milled to create powders. This is followed by a proprietary extraction and purification process that ensures all of the plant’s phytocannabinoid, terpenes and flavonoids still exist.

Eventually, THC is removed, lab tests went underway (as seen in their Certificate of Analysis and Certificate of Quality Assurance) and an additional step using nanoemulsion technology was implemented to create the most bioavailable solutions.

Joy Organics Products

Upon visiting Joy Organics’ official website, a wide range of categories can be explored, which include tinctures, varying softgels (i.e. for sleep and inflammation), salves, vapes, energy drinks, face masks and pet essentials.


For those who prefer orally-ingesting CBD, the “CBD Oil Tinctures” can be considered. Consumers are typically required to take it underneath the tongue and allow it to rest prior to swallowing. Tinctures are said to be smoother than oils in relation to taste. The results are also believed to be immediate with prolonged effects. This solution contains 500mg of full spectrum per bottle or 16.67mg per serving.
joy organics tinctures


Tinctures (Natural, Tranquil Mint, Orange, Lemon) Prices
250mg CBD Oil Tinctures (1oz – 30ml) $34.95
500mg CBD Oil Tinctures (1oz – 30ml) $59.95
1000mg CBD Oil Tinctures (1oz – 30ml) $99.95
1500mg CBD Oil Tinctures (1oz – 30ml) $134.95


Softgels are the next to consider, as they are far more convenient than tinctures and/or oils. For those who have trouble sleeping, Joy Organics’ “CBD Softgels with Melatonin for Sleep” is an option as each serving contains 25mg of the full spectrum. If combating inflammation is one’s goal, then it would be appropriate to try the “CBD Softgels with Curcumin,” which also contains 25mg of full spectrum per serving.
joy organics softgels


Softgels Prices
10mg CBD Softgels Natural – 30ct $49.95
25mg CBD Softgels Natural – 30ct $84.95
25mg CBD Softgels with Curcumin – 30ct $99.95
25mg CBD Soft Gels with Melatonin for Sleep – 30ct $99.95

Salves and Topicals

Salves are topicals, which are believed to be far more effective in bringing results. In particular, consumers are recommended to apply the cream-like solution to affected regions that way the skin absorbs it for immediate results. This can serve as a dual product, as it is believed to contain the necessary components to heal pain while enhancing one’s skin health. An ounce of the “CBD Salve” contains 500mg of the full spectrum.
joy organics premium hemp salve


Salves and Topicals Prices
500mg CBD Salve – 1oz $59.95
1000mg CBD Salve – 2oz $99.95


Joy Organics’ “CBD Vape Cartridge” was allegedly created for convenience as well as offering consumers a more enjoyable way of intaking CBD (at least for vapers). While controversies surrounding vaping in general has been circulating, the fact that CBD-infused vapes exist has reassured many because of its potential health benefits. Given that not all vapes are created equally, one must ensure that its contents are natural and organic.
joy organics vape pens


Vaping Prices
CBD Vape Pen + Cartridge $99.95
CBD Vape Cartridge $79.95

Gummies and Energy Drinks

Joy Organics CBD Gummies contains 8 simple ingredients and includes 20mg of CBD per gummy. A perfect combination of flavor and CBD.

Premium Hemp Energy Drink acts quick, and is safe and natural, giving you the boost you want to get the most out of your next workout. Experience the difference that Joy’s THC-free powder can make in how you train.
joy organics gummies and energy drink


Gummies and Energy Drinks Prices
20mg each CBD Gummies 15pack $44.95
CBD Energy Drink Mix


Finally, pets can also reap the benefits of CBD through Joy Organics’ “CBD Dog Treats” and “CBD Oil Tinctures for Pets,” where the former is a snackable, while the latter can either be taken orally or mixed in pet food or water.

joy organics pet products


CBD Dog Products Prices
250mg CBD Oil Tinctures (30ml) $34.95
500mg CBD Oil Tinctures (30ml) $59.95
CBD Dog Treats 30Pieces $34.95

Joy Organics Conclusion

Overall, Joy Organics appears to a valuable brand considering the care that has been placed in creating quality products.

First, consumers are offered full spectrum solutions. This is an important factor, as it reflects a far more potent solution than pure CBD, which rids naturally therapeutic properties. Second, the level of transparency attained by Joy Organics is praiseworthy, as they’ve not only been open about their processes but also have since provided evidence to back them back.

Finally, the wide range of essentials offered is organic, natural and free of toxins, which are all crucial in ensuring that the full spectrum solutions are effective in potentially healing any pain. To learn more about Joy Organics’ pricing, go to:

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Note: Always seek real additional medical advice and consultation with a professional healthcare practitioner before considering any CBD. No statements found on this website have underwent Food and Drug Administration evaluation. The efficacy of any products or claims made have never been approved by the FDA either. No products shall ever be intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or prevent any ailment.
