Cannabis News
CBD As A Viable Option To Reduce Work Stress And Enhance Productivity

Being in a work rut can make the day a challenge. Stress and anxiety can severely impact one’s performance throughout the day. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 40 million adults in the United States over the age of 18 are affected by anxiety disorder and the minority receive treatment. Likewise, according to the American Institute of Stress, 77% of people regularly experience physical symptoms caused by stress.
Those who find themselves in a work rut and who are looking to combat stress and anxiety may want to consider solutions, one which may be cannabidiol (CBD). A 2018 survey study published by Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research shows that 62 percent of those using CBD reported that they used CBD to treat medical conditions, such as anxiety, depression, and pain. Keep in mind that although this study represents anecdotal evidence, there is still an absence of clinical research concerning CBD and how it can impact anxiety levels. Some surmise that it could impact the endocannabinoid system, or the modulation of serotonin. In any event, if the anecdotal evidence is enough for those who are interested in CBD, they users may want to give it a try for stress and anxiety issues.
A work rut can also be heled by improving motivation levels, and CBD may be the go-to option. One study, titled Beyond the CB1 Receptor: Is Cannbidiol the Answer for Disorders of Motivation? The study suggests that CBD could “attenuate motivational dysfunction through activation of the 5-HT1 Areceptor and elevations in eCB tone.”
Other positive impacts of CBD that may help men and women throughout the workday is its ability to potentially improve sleep levels, enhance mental clarity, reduce pain, and improve energy levels. Many of these benefits associated with CBD are based on anecdotal evidence – which are independent user accounts. Therefore, users may want to consider incorporating CBD into their routine to see how it works for them. Users may also want to consider using the right dosage amount and to choose a quality formula.