CBD Oil (Cannabidiol)
Best-Rated CBD Oil on Amazon: Top Cannabidiol Product Rankings on Amazon

Having a hard time deciding which brand to go with to purchase that CBD oil you were eyeing? Not sure how to distinguish good from bad, high-quality from cheap and efficient from ineffective? You are not alone.
With the CBD industry’s growth comes a wide range of products, making it harder to tell whether companies are actually being truthful. Would you believe it from people who’ve actually put the products to the test?
In a recent post by Inquirer.net’s Kevin Kane, nine products have been deemed of high quality. The definition of high-quality varies from one another. Kane seems to have considered a mix of factors including customer reviews, labelling, strength levels and much more. Here’s an overview of what has made the cut.
1. Hemp Bridge’s Tasty & Relaxing Gummy Bears
One container contains over 120 different sweets superfood, with as much as 125 mg of hemp extract in each sweet. Its current going price is roughly $32.89 and is believed to be valuable considering the fact that each bottle amounts to 15,000mg of pure hemp extract. The supplement has been designed to increase energy, keep one focused and helps with sleep. Of the 419 customer reviews, 73% have reviewed the product as 5 stars, with as little as 9% considering it as a one-star.
2. Supreme Hemp Gummies by New Age Naturals
The organic and 100% purely organic gummies have been deemed of utmost quality from the US. Every gummy contains 10mg of hemp extract, which is reasoned as adequate to support one’s mood, stress levels, anxiety levels and sleep issues. Instead of focusing solely on CBD, this respective brand believes in full spectrum solutions, which are have been argued as beneficial. Of the 442 customer reviews found on Amazon, 63% have given it a 5-star, versus only 15% considering it a one-star.
3. Hemp Gummies by Living Green
According to Kane, Hemp Gummies by Living Green are of high-quality because of the various flavors offered, transparent labelling and affordability. Information seems to be key here, as the brand works towards providing a breakdown of all the nutrients in each serving.
4. Hemp Tincture by Hawaii Pharm
What supposedly makes Hemp Tincture of high quality is its ability to offer the highest strength of hemp liquid extract possible. Each extract contains a 1 to 3 ratio of dry material and menstruum respectively. Everything that goes into this extract supposedly contains organic and vegetarian ingredients. The product is deemed “absolutely legal” because it contains neither THC nor CBD, as it is mainly made from seeds.
5. Present Naturals Hemp Extract
Present Naturals Extract Hemp was supposedly created in a way that would alleviate side effects, one being stomach irritation. In particular, food grade apricot kernel oil was used as a base to resolve said concern. Three different levels are offered, including 250, 500 and 1000mg of hemp. Kane argues that the presence of a dropper makes the brand more thoughtful, as it helps with dosage.
6. Lazarus Naturals’ High Potency Tincture
Lazarus Naturals’ High Potency Tincture has been picked by Kane because it uses the whole plant. There has been a lot of debate if CBD suffices, or we need to include all of its components (i.e. full spectrum). It is too soon to tell, as cases have been made for both, both for and against. The hemp industry clearly needs more time, as it still lacks substantial evidence via research.
7. Vital and Hemp Oil
The Vital and Hemp Oil is the next to have made the list. Some of its features that have been highlighted include its medicinal benefits, lack of side effects, and affordability. The ingredients used have been considered 100% natural and home to the US, which comforts many due to their rather strict regulations.
8. Viridian Peaks Therapeutic Grade Hemp Oil
Viridian Peaks is deemed a hemp oil based in America like the aforementioned. Some of its notable benefits have been listed as being able to ease anxiety, poor sleep, immune and mood health, along with the necessary brain-boosting nutrients embedded. Along with hemp, each bottle contains a rich source of omegas 3, 6 and 9, amino acids, enzymes, antioxidants and vitamins. This respective oil has also been certified GMP and FDA.
9. Wise Help Ultra-Premium Hemp Oil
The last to make the list of high-quality hemp and CBD products is the Wise Help Ultra-Premium Hemp Oil. It seems like the best has been saved for last, as a 60ml bottle carries as much as 3,000 mg of hemp extract.
While this seems like a lot, each serving size recommended has been deemed balanced, efficient and safe with zero side effects. This is also another product that highlights the use of full spectrum including the leaves, stalks and flowers – nothing is left behind.
Like the Viridian Peaks essentials, there’s more to each serving than hemp, which includes rich sources of vitamins, healthy fats and amino acids to name a few. Finally, the product contains Colorado-based plants, a state that is strict on regulations.
Final Thoughts
Overall, it seems like the chosen products are based on the information provided by said brands – with some products actually having acquired several customer reviews.
While assessing reviews and appreciating a brand’s willingness to be transparent are essential for decision-making, consumers need to take the time to do further research. Research implies going as far as checking whether said companies are willing to provide a report on the quality of CBD found in each product, or even as willing to provide further details upon request.
Also, the source of hemp is important because not all countries have legalized CBD, and the level of THC accepted varies per regulations. Hopefully, this helps in better understanding the different types of options out there, but this only serves as a foundation, as a lot more needs to be considered.