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Blessed CBD: United Kingdom’s Premium Cannabidiol Hemp Oil Tinctures



Blessed CBD

With the increasing popularity of CBD oil to relieve pain, stress, and anxiety, companies are popping up online faster than consumers can keep up making it hard to distinguish the good from the bad. Blessed CBD, a UK based company, prides itself on the service it provides to its customers as well as the quality of their products. They source their CBD tinctures from licensed farms in Colorado in the U.S. and boast an “array of beneficial cannabinoids (CBD, CBC, CBG) and terpenes”.

Their online store is convenient, but also in high demand. If you’d like to purchase their products, you need to sign-up to their wait-list and they will notify you as their products become available. They keep their batches low to maintain the quality of their products. As a small-scale and family-owned company, they use the products themselves and claim to only want others to benefit the way that they have.

Their CBD oils vary in strength from 500mg to 1500mg and prices range from £35-100. Shipping is free and they offer next-day delivery. For a fee, same-day delivery is also available within a couple of cities in England and Scotland. They make a point of mentioning that their CBD oil is derived from specially bred hemp plants in the U.S. which are of higher quality than other overseas options. They are at the forefront of the UK industry and are looking to follow in the footsteps of high-quality American producers as there are currently minimal regulations in the UK.

Blessed CBD is passionate about health and natural relief and want to ensure access to quality products in the UK. Their website claims their oils to be “free of chemicals, pesticides, and additives” and “uses only organic hemp and safe extraction methods”. Of course, with all health products with such high claims, consumers need to do their due diligence and research. Based on reviews, however, it appears that the high concentration of CBD in their products is miles better than what is currently available.

If you’re interested in more information about their products, or CBD oil in general, visit their website or contact their customer support team. They are available 24/7 to help guide you in deciding if CBD oil is right for you and if so, choosing which is appropriate for you and your needs.

Elison Grey is one of our up and coming researchers who has a Bachelor’s Degree in Literature and Humanities, as well as being a Licensed Clinical Massage Therapist. She finds comfort in writing about overall health and wellness, diet and nutrition, natural medicine and alternative therapy methods.

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Note: Always seek real additional medical advice and consultation with a professional healthcare practitioner before considering any CBD. No statements found on this website have underwent Food and Drug Administration evaluation. The efficacy of any products or claims made have never been approved by the FDA either. No products shall ever be intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or prevent any ailment.
