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Minted Leaf: Full Spectrum CBD Hemp Oil Extract and Pain Relief Products



Minted Leaf: Full Spectrum CBD Hemp Oil Extract and Pain Relief Products

Minted Leaf is on a mission to supply its clients with efficient, safe, and natural alternative items. Its aim is to provide homeowners with alternatives to the medication they normally hold in their medicine cabinets. It also seeks to provide them with information that may prove to be beneficial regarding the products that they have to offer to them.

The organization is able to achieve this simple fete by:

  • Ensuring that it only uses one hundred percent USA grown hemp in all the products that it is selling
  • Making sure that its product development phase is guided and directed by breakthroughs in the scientific field
  • Striving to make sure that all its consumers are properly and duly educated on the benefits that come with using hemp products.

Health Supplements

Minted Leaf has been able to supply clients with hemp products thanks to the passage of the Farm Bill which was passed in December 2018. The bill made it possible for Americans all over the country to get easier access to cannabinoids and CBD products. Many of these products have been seen to have health benefits to the consumers.

The passing of this bill led to the removal of hemp plants from the list of Controlled Substances in the USA. By passing it, it meant that it was now legal to cultivate, possess, sale, as well as distribute hemp plants and products. It also meant that time had now come for professionals like Minted Leaf to take over the industry and bring some professionalism into the sector.

Minted Leaf Products

Minted Leaf sells a broad array of products such as Hemp Oil and Cold Therapy Menthol. Each product comes with its own set of variations. It is, therefore, upon the consumer to choose the products that they would like to purchase depending on what they would like to achieve.

Its products are available on its official store as well as on other platforms such as Amazon, TOPs, and Weis. Minted Leaf has dedicated a page on its website where you can find all the information you need on hemp. The articles on the website are designed to help readers learn the benefits that come with using this particular product.

Pouline Ireri lives in Kenya and is new at TOC but plans to contribute much more in the near future. She graduated from the University of Nairobi and is a Business consultant/Micro Finance specialist. Her affinity for cannabis and CBD came naturally through her own use and become an advocate based on the positive effects and results she experienced.

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Note: Always seek real additional medical advice and consultation with a professional healthcare practitioner before considering any CBD. No statements found on this website have underwent Food and Drug Administration evaluation. The efficacy of any products or claims made have never been approved by the FDA either. No products shall ever be intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or prevent any ailment.
