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Tanka Wellness Bracelet: Slow-Release Organic Hemp for Pain Relief?



Tanka Wellness Bracelet: Slow-Release Organic Hemp for Pain Relief?

It can easily be said that the Tanka Wellness Bracelet is rather an innovation in the wellness industry, seeing it uses patented cutting-edge technology. When worn around the wrist, it releases the hemp ingredients gradually and continuously, offering relief against inflammation, insomnia, and anxiety. What’s also great about it is that it’s 100% safe and made with no psychoactive compounds like THC, which is known to cause a high.

About the Tanka Team

The Tanka Wellness Bracelet appeared as a result of a conscientious group of people trying to help someone in their family deal with chronic pain. As soon as these individuals discovered that hemp can address pain without causing any side effects, they have decided to create something efficient at delivering the miracle ingredients in the hemp plant. This is how they ended up contacting Amnon, one of the most experienced chemical engineers in the US, and have created the Tanka Wellness Bracelet.

Of course, Amnon and the Tanka team have spent many hours developing and patenting this unique Premium Bracelet that releases cannabinoids in a controlled manner and contains just the right amount of these amazing compounds. The Tanka Wellness Bracelet features all the naturally occurring hemp cannabinoids that don’t cause a high and are known to deal with chronic pain, anxiety, and sleep disorders.

The Tanka Wellness Bracelet Features

Here are the most notable features of the Tanka Wellness Bracelet:

Made with cutting edge patented technology

The Tanka Wellness Bracelet is made with the latest technology to deliver just the right amount of the hemp’s active compounds through the skin, in a very efficient manner.


The active hemp compounds in the Tanka Wellness Bracelet are being released consistently and gradually for accurate and effective dosing.

100% Hypoallergenic

Not only of high-quality and the finest on the market, but the materials in the Tanka Wellness Bracelet are also 100% hypoallergenic, robust and long-lasting, so they can rest on the wearer’s hand for a very long time without causing rashes and irritation.

Dosage for 30 Days

Every Tanka Wellness Bracelet contains just about the right amount of active hemp compounds to keep the body functioning at optimal levels for 30 days.

Perfect Dosing

The Tanka Wellness Bracelet provides the right daily amount of therapeutic cannabinoids every day, just because it’s made using the Patented Slow-Release Technology.

Tanka Wellness Bracelet Health Benefits

The Tanka Wellness Bracelet not only does boost immunity, but it also helps people have a good night’s sleep, no anxiety, and the focus they need in order to take their projects to the end. It’s simple to use and doesn’t look bulky around the wrist. As a matter of fact, it’s a quite fashionable accessory, not to mention damage and waterproof. This means it can be worn in all sorts of rough conditions and it doesn’t get damaged, nor does it lose its amazingly beneficial properties for the human body.

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