CBD Oil (Cannabidiol)
NatureRx Premium Hemp Oil: Orange-Infused PhytoComplex CBD Oil Spray

Amidst the cannabis industry exists a wide range of brands with unique missions and values. Remarkably, the industry focuses heavily on pure cannabidiol (CBD) extracts. There are since different perspectives to the story. For instance, some argue CBD as being the main potent compound because it makes up under 50 percent of the cannabis plant. Others reason that the lack of studies on other cannabinoids forces them to stick to CBD.
While others like cannabinol (CBN), cannabigerol (CBG) and cannabichromene (CBC) exist in very little traces, existing studies to believe that the convergence of said components is fairly influential. This is where NatureRx comes into effect.
Unlike those who prefer to stick to pure CBD, NatureRx has taken the challenge to assess the effectiveness of a full spectrum solution. Said focus has since resulted in their Everyday Wellness Oil. To fully comprehend NatureRx’s thought process, the following review will look closely at its purpose and product offered.
What is NatureRx?
NatureRx relies heavily on Phyto Complex, which has been defined as a blend of activated cannabinoids with intertwining and distinctive properties that aid in bringing relief across the different functions of the body. This approach is said to be attractive to those who believe in cannabis solutions, but without the psychoactive properties attached.
With this understanding in mind, let’s take a look at what the Everyday Wellness Oil has to offer.
What Can Be Said About the Everyday Wellness Oil?
The Everyday Wellness Oil claims to take care of the many aspects of one’s mind and body. This has been achieved through two different strength levels, where 300mg of Phyto Complex is deemed suitable for those with mild health concerns, and 500mg for those on the higher end of the pain spectrum.
As for how it serves as a daily supplement, NatureRx makes the case that it can help relieve common aches and pains that arise from aging and taking part in physical activities. Moreover, it can help with stress, anxiety and other common mental health concerns.
To make the ingestion of the Everyday Wellness Oil a pleasant experience, NatureRx has also included Organic Monk Fruit Extract and Cold-Pressed Orange Oil. The duo is believed to carry the same sweetness levels of artificial sugars, but without the unhealthy properties included.
The one problem that might arise is the fact that Everyday Wellness is an oil. In particular, the ingestion of oil may result in the loss of hemp content because it travels through the digestive system before it can be felt. This means a 100% solution, is now down to 85%. To prevent this altogether, NatureRx has created a solution that emphasizes sublingual and internal absorption, allowing the contents to directly enter the bloodstream.
In Conclusion
Overall, NatureRx’s Everyday Wellness Oil appears to serve as a fit daily supplement. Many factors led to arriving at this conclusion.
First, their reliance on Phyto Complex shows the appreciation they have in the whole plant while keeping in mind the distaste consumers have in THC. Second, they’ve followed the industry standards– i.e. CO2 extraction, using low and slow method to preserve its availability and undergoing the necessary tests to ensure pureness.
A factor that makes them stand out is the emphasis they’ve placed on the packaging, as it is 100% biodegradable and recyclable – positively impacting the environment we reside in.
Finally, NatureRx’s pricing strategy is laudable, as consumers are offered essentials for anywhere between $49.95 and $59.95 per 30ml. This is quite inexpensive considering the fact that such prices typically reflect pure CBD solutions and not a full spectrum. Clearly, NatureRx has deliberated on equal access to the broader population. For more information, check out: https://naturearc.com/