Drinks & Beverages
MEDA CBD: High Bioavailability Liposomal CBD Drink Beverages

If you have to live with the hustle and bustle in big cities, the daily results can be as rewarding as they can be stressful. The hustle and bustle of everyday city life leaves little or no room for calmness and relaxation, therefore loosing optimal balance and focus becomes inevitable. MEDA products are here to aid in that aspect, bringing optimization and balance that is very much essential for healthy living.
Meda products target the neurotic system and are of the highest quality where nutraceutical products are concerned. They also contain broad-spectrum liposomal cannabidiol (CBD), which helps in attaining optimization quickly and effectively. Meda products therefore keep one grounded and calm in the midst of hustling chaos.
Meda CBD Wellness Leader
This product contains 15mg Micro-Liposomal Broad Spectrum CBD with terpenes. Besides, it is infused in oils, making it highly bioavailable. It is free of pesticides, cruelty free and organically grown hence 100% vegan friendly. It contains no GMOs and is therefore recyclable. Since it’s organically grown, it is non-chemical and has no addictive tendencies due to 0% THC in it.
MEDA Drinks
There are at least eight drinks manufactured by Meda to aid in optimization. They are:
- Calm
- Cleanse
- Defence
- Focus
- Glow
- Glow subscription
- Recover and
- Sleep
As their names suggest, all the drinks carry out their respective responsibility as named. It’s advisable to drink daily for effective outcome but you’re assured of zero side effects should you decide to quit using them.
For their very beneficial effects, the following ingredients are added in the manufacture of MEDA optimizing CBD drinks:
- The very important 15mg liposomal full-spectrum organic CBD
- Vitamin Bs to aid in mood boosting
- Chamomile for its calming effect
- L-Theanine for anxiety
- Lavender essential oil which induces relaxation
- Lemon balm for soothing and reducing stress and
- Ashwagadha, which lowers cortisol
Other ingredients
These include water, honey, natural flavourings, and citric acid among many others.
Meda Benefits
The benefits of Meda drinks include defence against illnesses, maintaining the cleanliness of the endocannabinoid/whole system, help maintain calmness and wade away anxiety. The glow Meda drink nourishes the skin from the inside out while Meda Recover assists in fighting inflammation when taken daily.