Topicals & Salves
Green Passage CBD Cream: Trusted Hemp Cannabidiol Pain Relief Product?

Not much can be said about the Green Passage CBD Cream, seeing as the websites advertising it only praise its amazing effects against pain, skin problems, even high blood pressure levels and Parkinson’s disease. While there are not third-party studies conducted on this CBD-formulated cream’s health benefits, one can only believe what the websites are marketing it for if he or she want to. And these websites are saying a lot. It’s hard to think that a cream could deal with diabetes and anxiety, depression or Parkinson’s, but considering the amazing components of CBD, it can be assumed that a cream formulated with this ingredient would deliver amazing health benefits.
Is There a Certificate of Analysis for Green Passage CBD Cream?
What’s even stranger about the Green Passage CBD Cream is that it has nowhere anything mentioned about its certificate of analysis, which is something health products must have in order to be trusted. What can be done in this situation is to contact the company making the cream and ask for the certificate. This can prove to be rather difficult to be done because there’s no detailed information about the company making this cream in the online world, yet still, a Contact Us page does exist, so it can be used to ask any question about the product.
Is It OK to Buy from a Relatively New Company?
The company making the Green Passage CBD Cream is most likely relatively new, since it doesn’t mention anything about its activity and other CBD products that it makes on the websites where it advertises its product. It’s perfectly OK to buy from manufacturers that have just entered the market, but not before knowing more about the tests they conducted on what they’re selling. The Green Passage CBD Cream may indeed be a miracle product that can deliver what it promises, but blindly trusting a health product is never a good idea. So, a check-up on the company making the cream should be performed before buying the product and especially before using it.