CBD Oil (Cannabidiol)
First Class Herbalist CBD – FTC Warning Letter?

According to a news report by Hemp Industry Daily, the Federal Trade Commission has sent out warning letters to several companies about their CBD health claims.
When the warning letters were sent out, the identities of the companies were unknown. But now, due to a public records request, it has been revealed that one of the companies is 4Bush Holdings, owner of magicgreenoildrops.com and firstclassherbalistcbd.com.
The warning letter states, in part, concerning 4Bush Holdings, “We strongly urge you to review all claims for your products, including consumer testimonials, and ensure that those claims are supported by competent and reliable scientific evidence.”
Health claims made by CBD brands are a concern. According to a news report by WWD, the Food and Drug administration “been considering the safety of cannabidiol since its precursor hemp came off the Controlled Substances Act list last December, has now targeted claims about the ingredient’s potential health benefits.”
There are several strategies that consumers can try to use to find quality products. One news article by the Chicago Tribune on How to Find High-Quality CBD Oil identifies several qualities to look at, including:
- The source of the CBD;
- The amount of THC present as the “original amount of THC (although low in quantity) should not exceed more than 0.3%. For this, you should always ask for laboratory results or check the labels before making a purchase”;
- Full spectrum or whole plant labeling; and
- Third Party Lab Results.
These are just a few qualities to consider, and as the news article smartly points out the more knowledge “the better” the purchase. So, as a consumer, take the time to independently research, do your due diligence, and learn as much as you can.
All information is for general informational and educational purposes only. Nothing should be interpreted as legal or wellness advice.