CBD Oil (Cannabidiol)
ENDO CBD Hemp Oil Infused Water: Full Spectrum Cannabindiol Rich Extract Beverages

Looking to keep yourself hydrated while hiking, working or exercising? Did you know that cannabidiol (CBD)-instilled drinks are being deemed the next potential wellness drink? Given the number of studies that exist in relation to the health benefits of CBD, it has been praised for its ability to improve several health aspects of the human body because of its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties to name a few. This is where Endo Water comes into play.
Endo Water is a line of CBD-infused waters that claim to not only keep consumers hydrated, but also help towards one’s emotional, sleep and, most importantly, immune health – which is the backbone of every function in the body.
To see what makes Endo Water unique, background information on the main brand responsible for the line, along with the different flavors offered and other mediums of CBD that are in place. Ultimately, this review will provide a different perspective that can help firm one’s stance of Endo Water and whether or not it is a valued option.
Who Created Endo Water?
As the name might have hinted, Endo Water is created by none other than ENDO. ENDO is a brand that has been named appropriately to reflect the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is naturally found in the body and is composed of CB1 and CB2 receptors and endocannabinoids.
Getting back to the brand, ENDO, their critical goal is supposedly to make wellness essentials that are rich in full cannabinoid spectrum, that is the combination of several cannabinoids within the extract, as opposed to a single type (where applicable). Their essentials have been deemed natural and organic, lab rested and most importantly, containing US-grown hemp.
The latter is important, as it signifies the reliability of the source of spectrum in relation to the country’s strict regulations on how CBD should be extracted – with low acceptance rates for THC. Let’s jump right into the types of Endo Water offered.
What Flavors Does Endo Water Come in?
ENDO’s Endo Water is currently offered in four flavors, which include Pure (or unflavored), Watermelon, Lemon Lime and Cucumber. Just by the names of the flavors alone, it is evident that they were created namely with the intentions of helping consumers feel refreshed and calm.
Each Endo Water (500mg) claims to contain 10mg of CBD, which is one of the highest concentrations witnessed in CBD-infused waters. For those who are curious, the actual flavors used in infusing the water have been deemed to come from the actual fruits and/or vegetables themselves.
What Else is Offered By ENDO?
In addition to the Endo Waters, ENDO also offers Endo Drops (300mg of full spectrum Spearmint and Triple Berry respectively) and Endo Ease (300mg of CBD). Endo Drops are simply tinctures that have been flavored with essential oils. Fundamentally, they have been created as an add-on to meals, beverages and other intakes to ensure that consumers ingest CBD without failure. Then there is, Endo Ease, which is a type of topical solution that offers immediate pain and bodily relief as it allows consumers to apply the solution onto the area in which the pain resides.
Final Thoughts
In general, CBD-infused water is thought to be the most effective because 100% of the CBD housed within is absorbed by the body compared to oils and/or tinctures’ partial absorption. While tinctures and CBD-infused water are both tailored to meet consumers’ taste requirements, when it comes to convenience, nothing beats going with water.
All this being said, consumers should ensure that the overall quality of CBD-infused waters are assessed prior to purchase. As for ENDO, their lab results for the Endo Water has since been made available, which is reassuring for consumers. The lab results indicate that THC levels have not been detected, which is ideal considering the outburst it has caused in many instances in relation to its psychoactive properties.
Lastly, when considering the overall price factor of the Endo Waters, it ranges anywhere between $20 and $60, which is fair considering the concentration of CBD found per bottle along with the quantities (4 or 12 packs).
One area that ENDO appears to fall short on is their short and simple descriptions, which has no value to a consumer who is still trying to grasp the concept of CBD for wellness. To learn more about ENDO and the products they offer, check out: https://endobrands.com