CBD Oil (Cannabidiol)
CBD Infusionz: Hemp CBD Oil, Muscle Gel, Edibles, Tinctures, Candy, Pets And Vape Pens

In the world of CBD products, variety is often the trademark of a viable company. CBD can be used for a great number of things, and can be employed as an effective home treatment for hundreds of potential ailments. As a result, many CBD companies have begun to spread their products out as much as they can, allowing consumers to take their pick from a variety of different quality CBD products in order to maximize their consumer-base and create happy, lifelong customers. This seems to be one of the main goals of CBD Infusionz.
What Is CBD Infusionz?
A member of the National Hemp Association operating out of the United States, this small company has grown tremendously in the past few years, citing in their mission statement their deep desire to offer a “wide variety of services” to the hemp and CBD users of the United States. With a pleasingly formatted website and an easy-to-use ordering process, CBD Infusionz does seem to make it fairly easy for consumers to give their products a try.
As the United States continues to become more interested in hemp-based products and President Donald Trump turns in favor of CBD and hemp-positive legislation, companies like CBD Infusionz will continue to gain exposure and expand into nearly every facet of the American industry, CBD finally introducing itself as a viable part of self-medication in the 21st century American home.
But with many self-remedies, consumers ought to exercise caution when exploring any potential option. Experimenting with any chemical—even one as benign as CBD—can put its users at risk, if only at the risk of wasting their money on an inferior product. As a consequence of this risk, this guide has been created to showcase some of the high and low points of BBD Fusionz and their expanding product line.
CBD Infusionz Product Variety
CBD Infusionz gains major points for the simple variety of hemp and CBD products listed on their home site. Their products page boasts hundreds of different products from the inexpensive to the very pricey, with no shortage of in-between. They sell gummies, rubs, ointments, lotions, and a litany of other types of CBD products that can be used to treat a variety of smaller conditions without the user every having to leave the comfort of their own home.
For the most part, though, the company places their products into three classifications, based on the potential effects of the products that they seek to sell: pain relievers, migraine relief, and sleep aide. Their “About Us” page does a great job of making these connections, linking visitors of the website to relevant reviews from users who have purchased some of their products for the very same effects. One user, for example, outlines their experience that the CBD Infusionz products they purchased “help me sleep better at night.” Another remarked on the “migraine free” effect of one CBD product from the company.
CBD Infusionz Most Popular Products
At the moment, the most popular CBD products on the CBD Infusionz website are their 99-cent sample 1mg CBD gummies and their $29.99 50mg CBD gummy edibles pack. Though the sample pack is limited to one per customer—naturally—it has garnered incredibly favorable reviews from consumers within the growing CBD fan community. Like many CBD gummies, it features favorable health stats, with its most unhealthy element being the 24g of sugar packed into every serving.
One negative aspect of the website, though, is the lack of reviews featured in-site for some of their products. In order to further research the brand, consumers have to go off-site and search the web for reviews online. For the patient fan of CBD and CBD products, however, this should not turn out to be too much of a hassle. After-all, a quality product with some of the listed effects should always be worth the extra effort.
CBD Infusionz Reviews And Reception
So far, the company has been reviewed very favorably by critics online. “Shopping CBD” touted the organization for their “massive selection” of CBD-based products. The reviewer was especially interested in the banana gummy chews offered by the company. The company, based in Denver, Colorado, has not been around for the many years of some of the other big names in the CBD scene. And yet, according to this reviewer, they have been able to hold their own in the “cutthroat atmosphere” of America’s pot capital.
Additionally, the company was given mad points for their “competitive pricing,” their viable company blog with useful information abound, as well as the consistency of quality among their hundreds of different products in their line.