Oral Spray
CBD for Oral Health: More Conclusive Cannabidiol Studies Required to Prove Toothpaste Efficacy

According to Mordor Intelligence, the global oral care market is projected to hit $54.6 billion by 2023. A March report by TechNavio predicts that by 2023, the global oral market will have registered a CAGR of 3%.
At the same time, the Cannabidiol (CBD) market is anticipated to boom across many parts of the globe. These locations include the US, where the New Frontier Data projects that the market will have tripled by 2022. Huge opportunities are expected in Europe, and individual sectors of the market are expected to thrive.
As of now, CBD is being integrated into the oral care market for people and pets. Many consider this as a viable option for tooth and gum problems. But is there need to incorporate CBD in oral care?
Potential CBD Benefits in Oral Health
Axim Biotech is a cannabis pharmaceutical company that recently announced its new patent for CBD toothpaste. An email by Dr. George Anastassov (the company’s founder) to Benzinga terms CBD as an excellent regulator of the body’s immune response, and a potent antibacterial compound.
The belief that CBD is useful in immune response and acts as a strong antibacterial compound stems from select studies. One of the most cited studies seems to be an analysis of five different marijuana cannabinoids in 2008. According to Anastassov, CBD has excellent anti-inflammatory properties useful in relieving oral pain, including pain that results from gum infection.
In other instances, CBD has been considered an ideal option for reducing anxiety. This method of relieving patient’s stress appears more viable scientifically since very little research regarding CBD and oral care exists at the moment.
One of the persons who have researched this subject is Dr. Chanda Macias, the National Holistic Center CEO. The center has its line of CBD products. Macias wrote to Bezinga regarding her experience as a research expert at Colgate-Palmolive Company, saying that the most common oral diseases are tooth abscess, gingivitis, cold sores, and canker. She went on to say that the resulting symptoms of such ailments are pain and inflammation. Macias said that she had observed efficacy in the patients who have oral care problems using CBD for inflammation and pain relief.
Is There Need for CBD Oral Care Products?
As there is little official research and a slew of marijuana-centric products hitting the shelves, you may wonder if the market really requires oral cannabis products. Health professionals who spoke to Bezinga all highlighted the benefits of CBD in treating different ailments. One of these is Dr. Oludare Odumosu, the Executive Vice President and the Chief Scientific officer of Ilera Healthcare’s Pharmaceutical division.
When discussing CBD’s efficacy on oral issues, Odumosu held that CBD might enhance the capacity of the body to protect itself from cavities and decay while helping to repair bone structures and damaged teeth. After this, Odumosu also mentioned concerns of CBD legitimacy in the nascent space.
Way Forward?
The key to validating CBD oral care products further is only through testing. Ilera Healthcare’s Odumosu, feels that although strong federal prohibitions around access still exist, the study and use of hemp and Cannabis-derived products is becoming less restrictive following the passage of Farm Bill. What’s expected is that the scientific community will move legally, swiftly, and diligently to provide medically validated data that supports CBD’s clinical efficacy, dosage, indications, and safety of specific CBD-based formulations.