Tinctures & Drops
Zen Green CBD Oil: Safe Product to Research?

Zen Green CBD: Safe No-THC Organic Hemp Extract?
TimesofCBD received a message about a Zen Green CBD oil product being advertised as a secret pain relief formula, and anytime a new brand surfaces and is being advertised as a secret it is likely worth the investigation effort in regards to user safety. The research about Zen Green CBD could turn up to be positive, or it could reveal glaring red flags on the newly released product line.
Many people look for a natural alternative that helps with calmness and supports neurological, physical and mental health. CBD has been deemed a potential solution due to its anti-inflammatory properties and features that make communicating with the human body a reality. However, not all CBD oils are created equally. As more supplements make a grand entrance within the CBD industry, this review will focus closely on the Zen Green CBD Oil and dig up all of the information available.
What is Zen Green CBD Oil?
As the name hints, the Zen Green CBD Oil is a dietary supplement that contains CBD and appears to be made by Zen Green Supplies Inc.. The source of hemp in which the CBD was extracted from is deemed organic and based in the US. The overall intent of this supplement is to ensure that consumers have nutritional support, especially in the aging period.
On the Zen Green CBD bottle, it promotes itself as an extra-strength organic THC-free hemp extract with 300MG of cannabidiol. Interestingly enough, it seems there are two of the same websites for ZenGreen at ZenGreenCBD.com and ZenGreenCBDOil.com but the first one looks to be the official company platform.
Is Zen Green CBD Oil Safe?
Based on the claims made, the cold press method of extracting CBD was used, which is typically preferred due to its environmental-friendly approach. In addition, it is deemed the natural way to reap the benefits of the cannabis plant. Often times, the cold press is used to extract full spectrum CBD, where the hemp-derived CBD oil-infusion contains all cannabinoids including THC, however, this product appears to be either a broad spectrum or pure isolate product as it contains zero-THC.
The CBD oil from Zen Green claims it was founded on carbon dioxide extraction. Most companies rely on this approach because it is said to result in a much cleaner and solvent substance – and a chemical-free solution.
Next, the emphasis was placed on its delivery. Consumers have been advised to take the oil underneath the tongue, as it permits the solution to dissolve and absorb directly into one’s blood. Careful with these types of unsubstantiated claims.
Lastly, for one ounce of the Zen Green CBD Oil, consumers are getting 300mg of CBD. This is pretty standard; anything less would be considered diluted. Those fearful of possible psychoactive effects no longer need to worry as it is trusted as being THC free.
At the end of the day, Zen Green CBD appears to be a very new company and product. Their website references third-party testing but does not reveal any proof or certificate of analysis to verify. They also have CBD gummies and capsules, but both are not working or out of stock to-date.
On only one of the ZenGreen CBD websites do they list the phone number (480-297-0977) and email address of support@zengreencbd.com with a return address of PO Box 52113 Phoenix, AZ 85072. While the company is new, there appears to be no social media presence or channels setup and the location of the business remains unknown.
The message we received also referenced that Shark Tank was involved in the marketing of Zen Green CBD, which appears to be completely fabricated and unfounded by doing a simple search online for the two entities. While this could just be an independent affiliate using these tactics to promote this product, it may be best to reach out to the brand and ensure they are real and have a real product in stock versus some other website selling a hemp CBD extract under their name.
The Zen Green CBD Oil Trial
Bearing all this in mind, consumers who are still hesitant can give the Zen Green CBD Oil trial a shot. For only $6.95 (shipping charge), consumers will be provided with a 30-day supply free of charge for 14 days (excluding shipping). While two weeks isn’t an appropriate time frame to test the effects of a product, it allows one to assess how it interacts with their body (i.e. side effects). To learn more about what the Zen Green CBD Oil has to offer, visit their website today.
As a word of caution, the free trial CBD offers may sound great at first glance, but often times will auto-enroll payment details into a monthly billing cycle that can be difficult to remember and cancel.