CBD Oil (Cannabidiol)
Source CBD: Gold-Grade Hemp-Derived Cannabidiol Tinctures, Honey, Salves and Pet Products

Raw honey contains a significant source of antioxidants known to boost one’s immune system. It also serves as a container of essential nutrients, as it houses a mix of proteins, vitamins, healthy fats and flavonoids to name a few. Wouldn’t it be interesting to infuse cannabidiol (CBD) into honey, especially given the fact that both comprise of intertwined properties? Looks like Source CBD has also thought of this and has since acted upon it!
Source CBD specializes in the cannabis industry and highly values the whole cannabis sativa plant, with the exception of the cannabinoid, THC known for its psychoactive properties. Together with the combination of CBD, CBC, CBG and terpenes, a plant’s therapeutic flavor profile, Source CBD believes it can potentially uplift one’s health.
The following review will look closely at Source CBD in relation to its purpose, products offered and other factors that make it stand out.
What is Source CBD?
Source CBD is a brand that specializes within the cannabis industry. As opposed to simply sticking to CBD, which makes up 40% of the entire cannabis sativa plant, the team at Source absorbed solely on the combination of cannabinoids for the overall betterment of health.
As per the claims made, Source CBD has attained the highest acceptable quality of full spectrum there is with its gold grade oil derived from organic hemp. To see what Source CBD has to offer, let’s dive right into its product line(s).
What Does Source CBD Currently Offer?
As previously mentioned, Source CBD’s highlight is the CBD-infused honey, which is rarely seen in its respective industry. For one ounce of honey, consumers can choose between 200mg, 500mg and 1000mg of CBD – depending on one’s individual needs. Keep in mind that Source CBD’s oils are not pure CBD, but they are CBD-dominant and include very little traces of CBC, CBN, CBG, CBDVA and CBDV – making it a full spectrum.
Other essentials offered include human and pet essentials and salves. What’s to come next is a sample analysis of the types of products one can expect under each category:
Within the Salves category of essentials, consumers will be introduced to two types; a Topical Salve (200mg or 500mg of full spectrum) and a lip balm. The topical solution is said to be beneficial to one’s skin health because of the use of some proprietary advanced topical formula. Given the nature of this delivery method, one could assume that it also contains pain relief abilities.
When it comes to the CBD lip balm, it claims to contain 50mg of full spectrum for a quantity of 5 ounces. This essential, as obvious as it may seem, is beneficial in healing dry and chapped lips, while providing it with the moisture it needs.
Human and Pet Tinctures
According to Source CBD, the only difference that lies with the Human and Pet tinctures are the labels, which implies either type works for both target markets. Source CBD has since come up with a wide range of strength levels as well, which lie anywhere between 500 and 5000mg per ounce. It’s no kidding that Source CBD praises itself for carrying the highest possible strength of full spectrum, as it is clearly witnessed in the line of tinctures offered.
One thing that consumers should keep in mind, amidst both solutions being suitable for humans and pets, is dosage control. When assessing the right serving, it is ideal to start with the smallest possible dosage and increasing it until it no longer needs to be. Extra care needs to be given to pets, as their endocannabinoid systems contain far more receptors, resulting in an extremely sensitive system. Any overdose can lead to unwanted concerns!
Why Choose Source CBD?
Several factors can be considered in assessing Source CBD’s quality. First, it contains gold-grade oil derived from Germany. Given Source CBD’s goal of preventing the inclusion of psychoactive properties, Germany seems like a good fit because of its limited threshold for THC presence is well under 0.2%. Second, their reliance of CO2 extraction is an industry standard, which has since been deemed an effective way to extract cannabinoids without bringing any damage to its properties.
Another factor that should be mentioned, which also applies to the two aforementioned points, is their commitment to being transparent with consumers. This has been reflected in their lab tests of the proclaimed gold-grade oil – which reflects the claims made that several terpenes and cannabinoids have been included. Remarkably, Source CBD has also compiled a page with ongoing CBD Hemp Expos to ensure those interested can build upon their knowledge.
Of all the points made, one that puts Source CBD at the top, is their dosage calculator for humans and pets. To assess the exact suggested CBD oil dosage, Source CBD has created a calculator in which consumers simply select their exact weight in pounds and obtain the recommended daily dosage (1 to 2 times daily). For instance, someone who weighs 112lbs, should limit themselves to 11mg once or twice daily.
As for its overall price factor, given the strength and quality of the products offered, the prices seem reasonable, if not inexpensive compared to the average witnessed in the CBD market. This has also been confirmed by Source CBD themselves, who claim that their prices are 25% less than the average CBD brand.
Finally, an area that Source CBD can work on is further building upon their descriptions, as the usefulness of some products is not immediately clear. This can be problematic considering that not all consumers are equally informed on this matter. To learn more about Source CBD and their approach towards cannabinoids, check out: https://sourcecbdhemp.com/