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Pure Herbal Total Defense Immunity Blend Aims to Enhance Health with Essential Oils

The Total Defense Immunity Blend is the most complete oil blend that fights illnesses and viruses while also being an incredible cleaning and disinfectant, an immunity booster that heals from within and can as well clean the air in any room, leaving it fresh and free from harmful particles. Formulated with powerful and 100% natural botanicals, this blend of oils is pure and safe to use. It has been tested by third-party teams of scientists, so it’s not only claiming to deliver what it promises, it has been proven to do just so!
The Entire Family Can Stay Protected
Total Defense Immunity’s essential oils are entirely pure and can be used by adults, children and seniors altogether. This proprietary blend shouldn’t be used in large doses, so one bottle of it could last a family of 3 for quite a while without compromising any of its effects. It strengthens the immune system and protects the body from seasonal threats like the flu and colds, even mild allergies and sunburns. This means it should be used by everyone at home, without any doubt or fear that it may have side effects because it has been proven not to have any.
What Are the Ingredients in the Total Defense Immunity Blend?
The Total Defense Immunity Blend combines all these powerful and extremely healthy ingredients:
- Cinnamon
- Clove Bud
- Lemon
- Lime
- Eucalyptus
- Rosemary
- Spearmint
- Peppermint
- Oregano
As a matter of fact, it contains potent oils obtained from all these ingredients, which have all been proven to support the immune system, to protect against pollution and other environmental threats, to cleanse in depth and to disinfect, to refresh the air and to either have an uplifting aroma or to smell deliciously. It should be noted this blend has been officially GC/MS tested for purity, being determined that it doesn’t contain any chemicals or unnatural substances that may in some way abuse the body just to produce some short-term “feel good” effects.
The Total Defense Immunity Blend works perfectly as an air purifier and provides amazing health benefits when inhaled. As a matter of fact, through inhalation, it gets into the bloodstream very rapidly, while also maintaining the air pure and releasing the smell of a summer’s morning. For diffusion, 10 or 20 drops of it should be put into 100ml of clean water. The amount can always be doubled for increased therapeutic effects.
Put It on the Skin
For a stronger immune system and a skin that fights first to ward off viruses, the Total Defense Immunity Blend can be applied topically because it acts like a protection film and gets effortlessly absorbed into the system. However, it shouldn’t be put on the skin just as it is, but combined with another oil to “carry” it, such as 100% pure coconut oil. It’s a good idea to apply it every 4 hours on the chest and abdomen, temples and forehead, on the feet and the neck. Besides, it’s perfect for aromatic and long hot baths, not to mention it calms irritation caused by sunburn.
Non-Toxic and very effective at cleaning, the Total Defense Immunity Blend can disinfect any surface if used with every half an ounce of water in the amount of 1 or 2 drops. Castile soap or vinegar could also be used with this mix of the blend and water, especially when trying to remove the mineral buildup in the bathroom or around the kitchen sink.
Total Defense Immunity Blend Conclusion
In conclusion, the Total Defense Immunity Blend Works in 3 DIFFERENT WAYS to protect, strengthen and sterilize.