Tinctures & Drops
Leaf X CBD: Is LeafX CBD Oil Safe to Try with No-THC Extract?

CBD became legalized with the signing of the 2018 Farm Bill, by US President Donald Trump. This signing of the Farm Bill left the door open to many new companies and beneficial cannabis products being introduced into the market and scientific research teams scrambling to keep up with the CBD oil products companies were offering. It seems this special ingredient obtained from the hemp plant can alleviate chronic pain, reduce inflammation, and even work against anxiety or depression.
The question is, are all CBD oils available on the market to be trusted? One such is Leaf X CBD Oil, a formula advertised to contain 300 mg of CBD, which is more than enough to offer all the health benefits of this specific cannabidiol. However, does Leaf X CBD Oil offer transparency on their CBD oil such as a 3rd party testing and certifications, where the hemp used in the Leaf X CBD Oil was grown or sourced from?
Who is Leaf X CBD Oil?
The Leaf X CBD oil formula is advertised on a website named Natures Plants, with an address listed in Florida. The selling website for the product, Leaf X has no mention of the company Natures Plant. Leaf X is a health company that not many have heard of before, and consumers may have few questions about their products and CBD oil formulas. Most companies share test analysis and lab certifications proudly, it speaks volumes of the company and the products they have on the market for sale, these tests confirm the efficacy of the product that was conducted.
The website advertising and selling the Leaf X CBD Oil does not make mention of a CoA for their Leaf X CBD oil, this being something that raises more questions than provides any answers. Since it’s not advisable to consume a CBD oil that doesn’t have a CoA, the best thing to do before buying this product is to ask the company to share test results on the oil’s CoA. This can be done through the Contact Us section at the bottom of the Leaf X CBD Oil’s official website, here, naturesplant-relief.com/v1/network/contact.php.
Leaf X CBD Oil
Since Leaf X is a health company that offers Leaf X CBD Oil, advertised as a 300mg full-spectrum, maximum strength CBD oil product. Leaf X claims their product can reduce addiction, relieve chronic pain and inflammation in the joints, and a 98% reduction in anxiety and stress levels. Leaf X is advertised a THC free, from hemp extracts. 100% natural and no prescription is required either.
Contacting and Purchasing Leaf X CBD Oil
Right now consumers who wish to try out Leaf X Cbd oil, need to know that the free trial offer, is an auto-ship program, in other words, you pay the low price to ship and try the product, without knowledge of the monthly auto-ship program, then after a very specific time period, either return the product or continue on to receive a higher-priced item each month, until the customer contacts the company to cancel. Per the official website, pay $6.95 shipping and handling for the sample bottle as well as agree to enrollment in the Customer Preferred Program,
If you are enjoying the product do nothing and in 14 days from the date you purchased you will be charged the low rate of $119.97 for the product you received. Approximately 30 days and every 30 days thereafter you will be sent another fresh 1 month supply of Leaf X (1 bottle) and your credit card on file will be billed the Member's Discount rate price of just $119.97 per bottle plus $9.97 shipping and handling. That is a savings of over 30% the regular price of a 1 month supply of Leaf X.
For consumers who wish to contact the company and cancel the monthly auto-ship may do so by email or phone, and are available M-F 9 AM-5 PM EST.
- Toll-Free Customer Care: 866-825-6788
- Customer Care: support@naturalplantrelief.com
Leaf X CBD Summary
While CBD oil is known as a support for many chronic health-related issues, it's advised when it comes to consumers' health, it’s better to not take risks and to purchase from companies that have a good and open transparent product reputation.