CBD Oil (Cannabidiol)
Eureka Vapor: Vape Pens and 100% Pure Cannabis Oil from High-Grade Marijuana Strains

Premium hemp oils are highly coveted among its users and buyers. This is why most people stick to a brand when they find one that delivers only the best. While there are many products with these claims in the market, one of those that’s stood out in terms of consistent quality is Eureka Vapor.
If you use hemp or cannabis oils, and care about quality, chances are you would have heard about this hemp oil producer. Their products are known for their quality, thanks to their growing and extraction process.
What is Eureka Vapor?
Based in California, Eureka Vapor has been in the cannabis oil market from the early beginnings, and have gone on to become a powerhouse, whilst still retaining their quality and customer base.
This company has been highly innovative, a trait that has made it a household name in the CBD market. Before they introduced the CO2 extraction process that has become the standard to the industry, cannabis oils rich in CBD and THC were not 100 percent pure.
This is because the process of extraction with alcohol and butane always resulted in oils that were “tainted” or impure. These contained additives and impurities. But, since the company pioneered the supercritical CO2 extraction method, resulting in the purest forms of cannabis oils, others have piled on, following the same processes to produce high quality CBD oils.
Eureka Vapor currently boasts that it is the only company producing hemp oils with the highest THC levels –sometimes as high as 97 percent. Whether these claims are true, remain to be seen.
All that’s known is the company does produce some of the best oils in the market, and has been committed to that standard from the beginning –the apparently had a major partner that they decided to walk away from after they tampered with Eureka Vapor’s quality standards. To wit, they always test their batches with independent testing facilities.
Eureka Vapor Products
They currently have just two major products, with a few more in the pipeline. The available products can only be bought at designated stores in California and Colorado. All that information is available on their website. Their available products include
- Eureka Original Tank (500mg and 1g)
- High Potency Tank (500mg and 1g)
1. Eureka Original Tank
This contains 100 percent pure cannabis oils containing zero impurities or additives. These come from individual indica and sativa species as well as a hybrid species, in 500mg and 1g cartridges that can be attached to vaping devices. These cartridges work very well with 510 thread batteries and contain oils with 83 percent THC in them. These are currently only available in California at their designated stores.
2. High Potency Tank
According to the information posted on their site, these are pretty much similar to the Eureka Original. We tried differentiating between them, but couldn’t find any discernible differences. They come from the indica, sativa and hybrid types too, and available in both 500mg and 1g cartridges that are compatible with 510 thread batteries.
They also offer a wide selection of strains to choose from including the Northern Lights, Sour OG and Maui Waui, with the Northern Lights being the favorite strain.
The company is also working on releasing another product called the Eureka Mod. This will come in four different colors –black, gold, rose gold and silver. Those should be available very soon, seeing as they are listed in their website’s “coming soon” section.
Benefits of Eureka Vapor’s Oils and Cartridges
Premium and 100 percent natural cannabis oil are the toast of the market. Everyone wants them and would pay a premium price for them. These oils can help with everything from inflammation to anxiety and insomnia. Smoked as oil vapors, the delivery is fast, and the results near instant.
Users will most likely enjoy the effects of these oils. The only downside is that it’s highly psychoactive courtesy of the high THC content. So, you have to be careful about taking it if you’ll be operating heavy machinery. In fact, you might want to stay away from that if you want to do any serious work or use heavy machinery.
Our Final Thoughts on Eureka Vapor
This is a real company that’s been in existence for a while. This makes them the perfect company to buy cannabis oil from for your vaping needs. Our only grouse is the price of the cartridges and their oils are clearly missing from the website. You’ll have to get in touch with them to get those prices.