CBD Oil (Cannabidiol)
Edgewater CBD Product Line MedHemp Offers Cannabidiol Tinctures, Pain Creams and Massage Oil

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a compound home to the cannabis sativa plant. The cannabis sativa plant carries two popular plants: hemp and marijuana, where the latter is often viewed as the enemy or the bad cousin to hemp. Why? This is because of its mind-altering effects (THC).
In reality, both plants carry benefits, but that of CBD, derived from hemp, has since been shown to outweigh that of THC. As for CBD, it is known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, anti-psychotic, and anti-convulsant properties, as noted by Edgewater CBD.
What is Edgewater CBD?
Based in Charlotte, North Carolina, Edgewater CBD’s goal is to offer consumers premium CBD oils of utmost quality. Not only does Edgewater CBD claim to provide a wide range of CBD essentials, but they have shown their support by educating consumers on related concepts that most often are misrepresented in society.
The purpose of this review is to further expound on Edgewater CBD’s claims that they offer “premium” and “high quality” CBD products.
What does Edgewater CBD currently offer?
A simple line of products is currently being promoted by Edgewater CBD, as they seem to heavily value CBD-infused water solubles, tinctures for humans and cbd for pets, massage oils, capsules and creams. Here is a brief analysis of each respective product:
Medhemp Water Solubles
Medhemp water soluble CBD was apparently created for better blending. That is, if consumers are less inclined to go with oils, the water solubles supposedly go well with one’s favorite drinks. A 60 ml bottle is said to contain 250mg of CBD and is believed to help one remain hydrated.
Medhemp CBD-Infused Tinctures
The Medhemp CBD-Infused Tinctures come in its natural state with varying strengths (anywhere between 500 and 1500mg). In some cases, oils and tinctures can also be applied as a topical, but no information indicating so has been noted here. Pets also have tinctures tailored to their needs, but at smaller strengths because their bodily systems are more sensitive than that of humans.
Medhemp Massage Oil
This respective massage oil has been deemed a multipurpose product, as it claims to hydrate and soothe one’s skin, while helping to rid one of light pain. Each six-ounce bottle is believed to contain 250mg of CBD and carries a lavender scent to calm one’s senses.
Medhemp Cooling Pain Cream
Stronger in strength (500mg of CBD per 4 ounce), the Cooling Pain Creams tends to symptoms associated with inflammation. This is trusted to help those experiencing acute and chronic pains. The use of mint in this product is to initiate a cooling sensation, which contributes to pain relief. As for the use of lavender, it too carries anti-inflammatory properties and therefore, helps with easing pain, while ensuring one is calm throughout the healing process.
Medhemp CBD Capsules
Finally, we have the CBD capsules. They can be purchased with either 25 mg or 50 mg of CBD per capsule, which is industry standard. It is suggested to be ingested orally, with no mention on whether it can be powdered and incorporated differently.
Final Thoughts
Based on the analysis above, it is clear that diversity is not a concern, as Edgewater CBD has chosen a brand that carries different CBD infusions with different mediums of delivery. Interestingly, all products are believed to be vegan and non-GMO, USA-grown, THC-free and third party tested, which are essential factors in contributing to a brand’s quality.
One area that Edgewater CBD evidently falls short on are product descriptions, as they are simple one-liners. For someone with CBD experience, this might pass, but newbies just dipping their toes into this respective world require quality information and education on what to expect.
Also, a lot of claims have been made with no particular evidence, which makes them seem unreliable. However, this is common, as such brands prefer to provide information upon request. For more information on what to expect of Edgewater CBD, go to: https://www.edgewatercbd.com/