CBD in Washington: WA State Laws and Where to Buy Legally
CBD Legality in Washington
The commitment of the state of Washington to progressive marijuana and hemp policies has never really been in question. It was among the first states to legalize medicinal cannabis, and it was also incredibly quick to implement legislation legalizing adult recreational use of marijuana. But in addition to the work of Washington legislators to integrate a responsible and comprehensive policy of legalization for marijuana/cannabis, the state has also responded to increasing public interest by clarifying the legal status of the industrial hemp industry.
Unsurprisingly, this clarification came in the form of a new law instituting an industrial hemp pilot program, which made it completely legal for companies to cultivate and distribute low-THC CBD compounds in a variety of forms to consumers all over the country. As a result of this legislation, Washington state is quickly establishing itself as one of the foremost leaders in the cannabis and hemp industries alike.
While Washington is generally considered a progressive state in its treatment of marijuana and hemp-derived products, things can change quickly in this relatively new legal territory. Consumers are responsible for doing their own research, and this guide does not constitute any kind of legal advice.
Washington CBD Laws
Washington has a long history of marijuana and hemp legislation. The first laws on the books were the medical cannabis laws. Initiative 692 rolled out the program in 1998, and it was updated twice, once in 2010 and again in 2011, through SB 5798 and 5073 respectively. These updates worked to increase the breadth and inclusion of the program, which is still in place today.
The state then set its sights on adult use, passing Initiative 502 in 2012 to legalize recreational use of marijuana by individuals over the age of twenty-one in the state of Washington. In 2012, this was a relatively new concept, and Washington’s lawmakers helped to inspire additional states to take the same step in the coming years.
Finally, the explosion of the hemp industry and the passage of the federal Farm Bill of 2014 prompted leaders in Washington state to roll out an industrial hemp program, catalogued in the state’s codebook in sections from 15.120.005 to 15.120.050. This piece of legislation made it abundantly clear that it is legal for companies to produce and sell CBD products, so long as these products contain only a negligible amount of THC by dry weight.
Age Requirements for CBD in Washington
Following the same trends of most states when it comes to adult use cannabis, Washington requires that users be at least twenty-one years of age in order to purchase and consume cannabis through this piece of legislation.
For medical use, the state stipulates that physicians must obtain the permission of a minor’s legal guardian before issuing a prescription for medical cannabis of medical CBD. The guardian must be the one to make the purchase for the child, as well. Otherwise, patients usually need to be eighteen years old or older to be prescribed medical cannabis for their condition.
The industrial hemp pilot program provides the simplest age restrictions. Users buying CBD under this law must usually be eighteen years old to make the purchase.
Where to Find Washington CBD
Both adult and medical cannabis and CBD can be found only in licensed dispensaries all over the state. While medical dispensaries require a card and can issue medical advice to customers, licensed dispensaries only require age verification and cannot advise patients on matters of treatments or health concerns.
For other CBD users, the products can be found in smoke and head shops, convenience stores, and even in some gas stations.
Buying CBD Online in Washington
It is currently completely legal to purchase CBD online in Washington. Many consumers prefer to make their purchases online, particularly because of the wide selection of products available by many internet CBD retailers. Buyer beware: the online CBD market remains largely unregulated and demands substantial background research before each purchase.