CBD Wax: How Using CBD-Concentrated Dabbing Methods Work
How CBD Wax Works: SImple Guide On Using Cannabidiol-Rich Dabbing Methods
Some time around the trend of marijuana use among the public has seen a shift from users smoking cannabis to smoking or vaping higher concentrated extracts of the cannabis plant. The usage has changed as many users are finding different ways to make more concentrated forms of the cannabis components like THC and CBD and use them in their daily lives. Extracts are given different names-shatter, batter, wax, dab, and honey: which are stronger in concentration and effects, than their plant based starting materials.
Of the several concentrated forms of cannabinoid CBD, CBD wax is an alien looking substance for many users. This highly concentrated form of CBD is most effective for users seeking to use use CBD for treating their medical conditions. In the following context we shall learn what CBD wax is, how to make it, ways to use it and why people use it.
What Is CBD Wax?
The CBD isolate is the purest form of the compound. It is a crystalline material which contains only CBD and all the other plant materials that cannabis contains have been separated from it. Just like other isolates such as CBD oil, the wax is extracted from the cannabis plant. In the case of CBD oil, the extracted resin from the plant is mixed with an inert oil like coconut or olive oil. For getting CBD wax the extraction process has to be continued further. After the initial extraction, in place of suspending the extract into an oil, the product is further heated and stirred to get thick lumps of wax.
CBD wax looks like yellow or brown. It is like a resinous globule of snot. It is easy to differentiate between good and poor quality of CBD wax. A poor quality wax would look darker and feel sticky. It all matters how it has been made.
A high quality wax looks like yellowish beeswax. It is slightly sticky and has a granular texture. It can be bought in small, rolled up sleeves having a number of doses. Each dose has a specification of how much CBD is present per gram. Indeed CBD wax is only one specific in the group of several concentrated CBD products or dabs. Majority of the dabs are made in a similar fashion, essentially cooking down cannabis until an extremely concentrated, easy to use dab is obtained.
How To Make CBD Wax?
The process of making all CBD concentrates is basically same. Initially the high CBD strain cannabis plant is being cleaned of seeds and the process of concentrate extraction begins. An organic solvent like butane is used to leach the CBD from the starting plant material.
It can done using an extraction tube, where the cleaned plant material is immersed in butane and gradually over time a pool of CBD rich butane is produced. This solution is then heated indirectly where butane evaporates from the chamber and leaves a sticky, resinous substance named as CBD dab. This butane evaporation process is a heat evolving reaction and proper care must be taken if it is done at home. The next process is crucial in determining the final product. If the dab is left as it is for many hours then it cools down and forms a glass like compound. This extracted product is called CBD shatter and is one of pure forms of CBD dab.
To make CBD wax, after the butane has dried off from the solution, the dab mixture is agitated by stirring continuously until swirls and imperfection form. On contact with cold moist air this mix will form sticky and waxy texture, which is the harvested CBD wax.
The quantity of the CBD content is highly dependent on which strain is been used. A high CBD containing strain will give better CBD wax than a high THC containing strain. So the choice of the marijuana strain will influence the nature of the finished wax product.
How To Use CBD Wax?
Many people consider using CBD wax as it is a more straightforward way of using dabs. CBD shatter requires prior crushing before it can be effectively utilized, whereas CBD wax can be used as it is. There are a number of ways to take the CBD wax.
Inhalation via vaping or smoking is the fastest and only way to experience the effects of CBD wax. This can be done by using a vaporizer capable of utilizing wax or oil products. Dabbing is the process of heating a small amount of wax by applying it to the heated coil of the vaporizer which evaporates the CBD. The CBD is then inhaled through an attached mouthpiece.
Another way to use the CBD wax is an oil rig or a water pipe. First the water pipe nail, which is the area that holds your CBD wax is heated using a heating element to heat it until it begins to glow red hot. It is left for about fifty seconds to cool in air to bring the temperature down so that the CBD wax doesn’t disappear. Then the CBD wax is put on the nail and the breathing pipe is positioned against it. Through controlled breathing, it will pass through the breathing tube and cooled even further by the water inside the water pipe. This is similar to a bong, however more complicated.
A healthstone is another way to use CBD wax with a bowl. Healthstone is a type of porous glass insert which can be used as a screen for bowl or glass bubbler. The healthstone is inserted into a bowl. Then the CBD wax is applied on top of the healthstone and heat is applied until combustion is achieved. The vapors are then inhaled.
CBD wax can also be used with regular marijuana that is used in joints. The wax is used with the mixture of the crushed marijuana and rolled into a joint. This way of using the wax comes with other effects of the cannabinoids present in the cannabis.
Who Is CBD Wax Suitable For?
The CBD products are safe to use as they are natural and often a healthy alternative to conventional medicine. Users seek to use CBD concentrates more than traditional smoking marijuana due to the higher concentration of the cannabinoids present in it.
The effects of CBD in controlling chronic pain, anxiety, seizures and mentally degenerative diseases make it suitable for users wanting to treat these medical conditions. CBD wax being highly pure form of CBD removes the effects of the other compounds that are present in the cannabis plant. Using CBD wax can reduce Lipoid Pneumonia which is caused by undesired fat particles present either on the surface of marijuana buds or the oil in CBD oil. Users do not get the harsh, burning sensation associated with smoking regular CBD rich marijuana through combustion, as this pure form of CBD contains no plant matter or other substances.
Final Thoughts On CBD Wax
CBD wax has many health benefits, largely due to the purity and strength of CBD it contains or the faster response of experiencing its effects. It provides the same variety of health benefits as other CBD products, which have been supported by recent research and medical studies.
CBD wax is an alternative for those looking to avoid the side effects associated with the other ways of taking CBD and is totally risk free. Though there is lack of subtlety taking CBD orally or topically on skin, CBD wax is the method of choice for those looking for a rather simple and straightforward approach. It is a safe, legal and convenient way of getting the healthy rewards of CBD.