CBD Oil (Cannabidiol)
CBD Terpsolate: What’s This New Cannabidiol Terpene Isolate All About?

The legalization of cannabis across North America and other parts of the world has boosted the development of a variety of cannabis derived products – more than we can often keep up with. A relatively new and cutting-edge product is CBD terpsolate. Most people are familiar with the two main varieties of cannabis, Sativa and Indica, and their varying effects. The general public has also been educated on the number of different ways that cannabis or hemp can be used.
The traditional ways of smoking or vaping are common and are used both medically and recreationally. More and more people are ingesting cannabis through edibles which can be in the form of baked goods, beverages, protein shakes, or even inhalants. There have also been many developments made into transdermal administration in the form of a skin patch. The industry is fully of innovation and there is no slowing down in sight – CBD terpsolate is an example of this.
Terpsolates are CBD isolates designed for those wishing to take things to the next level. The CBD isolates have terpenes from the cannabis or hemp plant reintroduced or mixed in. This maintains the unique flavour of cannabis and allows the consumer to benefit from the medicinal effects of CBD. These isolates were created for those who wish to benefit from the medicinal effect of cannabis without the psychoactive effects of THC. Regular CBD extract, or full-spectrum CBD, contains the medicinal CBD, but not the terpenes. The terpenes can then be combined with CBD for a more overall experience.
The addition of these terpenes blend with the already existing terpenes and cannabinoids in CBD. This can be problematic for those who only want CBD with specific terpenes and no other cannabis compounds. Terpsolates work to solve this problem and provide CBD in its purest form with terpenes. When CBD is put through the CO2 extraction process; CBD isolate is formed. This removes any solvents and uses carbon dioxide at a high temperature for the purest extraction possible. The mixture is then placed in a cool oil, such as coconut or hemp seed oil, before the final steps of winterization and short path distillation.
Terpsolates are therefore the purest combination of CBD isolate and terpenes on the market. Most maintain that they offer a stronger and more satisfying experience which some refer to as the “Entourage Effect”. They can be used to meet very unique or specific needs. Most importantly, they ensure that THC is not in the mix. With more and more tailored cannabis products being made, it is becoming more inclusive and suitable for a wide variety of consumers. It is crucial, however, if you plan on trying terpsolates, that they have gone through the CO2 extraction process and are supported by a third-party lab. The test results provided by labs ensure both the quality and safety of the products.