CBD Oil (Cannabidiol)
Assessing the Aggravated Anxiety Connection Between CBD and Cannabinoids

Cannabis is often considered as being able to alleviate anxiety. Most of the evidence is anecdotal – meaning, personal user experiences and reports. Thus, it is an individualized determination and results may vary from person to person.
The Mayo Clinic features a question an answer concerning cannabidiol and anxiety. When asked whether there is harm in using CBD to treat anxiety, the answer states
“Athough some research appears to indicate that CBD might hold benefit for treating anxiety-related disorders, more study is needed. Cannabidiol may interfere with other prescriptions, and it can have side effects, so talk with your health care provider before you take any form of CBD.”
Thus, at this point, there is not enough human clinical research to determine the effects of CBD on anxiety – whether good or bad.
In addition, most of the research out there, tends to look into the impact of marijuana and not CBD oil on anxiety levels. Therefore, when reviewing a new study or research, it is important to look into the conditions of the study. These conditions include whether marijuana or CBD oil was used, the subjects of the study, whether the study was survey style, and the like. By looking into the details, users can better understand and interpret the information before them.
Ultimately, most of the evidence concerning CBD oil and anxiety is anecdotal – whether it means that it improves or mitigates anxiety. When research does come out, users should take the time to truly understand the research that they are reading to determine whether it answers the question and provides evidence for the theory.