Topicals & Salves
Armourgenix Launches New Recovergenix Gym Gel Roll On CBD Hemp Complex

Armourgenix, a leader in the CBD market, and known for developing superior quality CBD-infused nutritional supplements . The company’s product portfolio includes gummies, powders, and shakes. The sports wellness and nutrition brand recently launched their newest product Recovergenix Gym Gel Roll-On, is non-GMO and features 450mg of rich hemp complex. Armourgenix will be focusing on applying innovation to produce holistic wellness for sportsmen and women.
The company’s hemp complex products can be ingested or used topically. These products are all natural and have been rigorously researched and offer the consumer options for gluten-free and vegan products. Being natural, the products are free from GMOs and include 450mg of hemp complex for additional benefits.
Although most companies are using hemp complex in their sport’s nutritional recovery products, most contain low amounts of the hemp complex so users often don’t find relief. Armourgenix’s products contain hefty doses of hemp complex, and the new Recovergenix Gym Gel Roll-On stands out since it’s a topical CBD product. The Gym Gel Roll-On was designed to help athletes instantly relax their body's muscles after workouts. The product has gained popularity among anyone seeking roll-on relief.
Every Recovergenix Gym Gel Roll-On contains 450mg of Hemp Complex, alongside other clinically proven natural additives that enhance mentholated sensation. The cooling sensation triggers signals to the strained muscles, causing the nerves to relax. The Gym Gel Roll-On is portable, and athletes can carry them to the gym.
Consumers working in offices or anyone making repetitive moves can also benefit from the cooling therapy offered by Recovergenix Gym Gel Roll-On. Working from a computer in the same position for long periods can puts strains on the body, and eventually can take its toll. Recovergenix will help relax the strained muscles instantly after use. The Gym Gel Roll-On provides relief by relaxing these sore muscles and joints with a cool mentholated sensation.
Armourgenix has set a high standard in the health and wellness industry by developing quality and safe products for its consumers. The company publishes all their products test research on its website for open transparency with its consumers. Recovergenix Gym Gel Roll-On and the entire line of Armourgenix products are available for sale online across the U.S.