CBD Oil (Cannabidiol)
Are Global Crush CBD Oil Products and Cannabidiol Business Legit?

There are tons of affiliate companies and products spread across the web. Many of them offer products that are geared towards health and beauty. Global Crush is one of the companies that is creating supplements with the claim that theirs are the potent and natural in the world. But are these statements true? Is Global Crush worth your time and investment?
It is important to state that back in 2016, Global Crush was a completely different company. Their product was merely a membership rewards program. They didn't offer any real value, but it is amazing how two years can change a company. Today, Global Crush as pivoted and is now in the market of supplements for health and beauty with their focus on CBD infused products.
About Global Crush
Not much has changed for the company in the past two years. Global Crush, (which coincidentally has the same name as a company that publishes travel guides but is not affiliated with them in any way) is still run by Josh Henderson. The Global Crush supplement company is based out of Kentucky.
According to its website, Crush Global is on a mission to empower people and give them a path that will help them achieve their goals. Seeing as how they offer supplement products, this statement is geared for the affiliates who want to start earning money through the company. As for Josh Henderson, it is stated that he launched a started up a company called “Lightyear Wireless” in 2008. Prior to the 2008 success of Lightyear Wireless, he also launched two other companies. Although the site doesn't offer any information about these other two companies.
On the website, you will find an address, phone number, and email address that will allow you to get in touch with Global Crush any day of the week.
Global Crush Product Line
Global Crush features six supplements online to help you “crush your day.” Each of these products focuses on a particular time of the day to keep you motivated and energetic.
The first product is “Ryse” which is stated to be a meal replacement shake with all natural ingredients. The retail price for Ryse is $74.99 for 10 pouches. The second product is “Lyfe” is stated to contain cannabinoids with a retail value of $74.99 per 500mg bottle. There is also the option of purchasing “Lyfe” for $94.99 per bottle and includes 750mg.
“Byrn” is next on the list and is geared for those looking to lose weight fast. For 20 capsules, you are looking at a retail cost of $37.49. “Zyng” is a simple fizzy drink that promotes energy and retails at $49.99 for ten single serving pouches. “Clymb” goes along with “Byrn” as it claims to boost the immune system, and improve endurance while reducing stress. The retail value comes in at $49.99 for a bottle of 2 fluid ounces. And for those looking to find a way to unwind, Crush Global offers “Nyte.” This is an all natural relaxing drink that is retailed at $39.99.
Other products in their online store that are infused with hemp oil is “Lyte Zero THC.” According to their site, Lyte Zero THC does not contain the compounds of THC but is still a hemp-based product. The cost of Lyte Zero is $74.99 per bottle. “Lyte Lemongrass” which is a lotion that does not enter the bloodstream, but rather soothes stressed and tensed muscles. Then there is Global Crush's “Lyte for Pets” which as you can guess is hemp extract for your four-legged family members that is bacon flavored. The cost for the Lyte for Pets runs $49.99 per 1 fl. ounce bottle.
The Opportunity
The idea behind Global Crush is to help people in every aspect of their lives. This also includes financially. That is why they offer an affiliate program that pays out in recruitment commissions as well as direct sales on retail products.
The commission rate for retail products sold through an affiliate is 25% of the retail sales volume. Although, the site does state that an affiliate has the ability to earn up to $40 on products sold to retail customers.
The company is also structured so that affiliates can earn from their affiliate line. Global Crush offers nine ranks that an affiliate can achieve. And depending on which rank you sign up for, or get to, determines how much money you can earn. An affiliate also has the ability to earn by signing up a recruit that purchases an “Enrollment Pack.”
There is also the possibility to earn a “Matching Bonus” which is tied to recruiting. An affiliate must sign on and keep two people under them that earn $50 in personal volume a month or higher to receive the 10% commission match.
Also, there is the residual income that can be earned down the line when affiliates have their recruits purchase new products each month. Other bonuses and means to earn with Global Crush include Rank Achievement Bonuses, Car bonus, Generational Bonus, and Residual Commission Matching Bonus.
To join Global Crush as an affiliate the price is free. However, if you want to earn money by selling the products to others, you need to purchase an Enrollment pack. The pack runs up to $599 depending on the pack you want. Each membership pack offers different products. The cheapest is for $89 and will give you a ten-day start kit, Lyfe and Shyne along with Ryse and Shyne. However, it is important to note that buying a higher priced “Pack” does not guarantee higher commissions.
Global Crush Final Verdict
There is no doubt that Global Crush has made drastic changes to its product line. However, there are several other sites that are promoting the same kind of health supplements. The only red flag that pops up when viewing this site is their compensation structure. It appears that without new recruits coming in, the system will stumble.
If you are planning to get involved with Global Crush to promote their product and possibly earn money, talk to the person recruiting you and ask questions. You need to figure out if their up line is meeting their qualifications of $50 a month to $200 a month. If not, then you have found someone only promotes the recruitment aspect of Global Crush and not the products themselves. This could be bad for your business. So ask a lot of questions before signing on the dotted line.