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Arthritis Patients Could Benefit From CBD and Medical Cannabis, New CreakyJoints Study Suggests



Arthritis Patients Could Benefit From CBD and Medical Cannabis, New CreakyJoints Study Suggests

Over the years, CBD and Medical cannabis have proven useful to Arthritis patients. A new survey carried out by CreakyJoints shows that 90% of arthritis patients who used marijuana recorded a remarkable relief.

Creaky Joints is a non-profit that operates under the Global Healthy Living Foundation to offer support to arthritis patients. During their survey, CreakyJoints wanted to study the efficacy of CBD and medical cannabis in treating the disorder.

For long, marijuana and CBD have been considered great solutions due to their analgesic and inflammatory properties. This has made many chronic pain victims globally choose cannabis over prescription drugs.

The FDA is trying to get hold of marijuana and cannabis as its popularity increases in more states. Because of many reasons, marijuana remains unregulated on the whole, while the CBD industry is facing even more problems. Fortunately, the Transportation Security Administration recently announced a new policy which allows patients of medical cannabis to fly internationally and domestically with their medication.

One clear thing is; more research and studies are required to understand medical cannabis and CBD’s profound effects on a range of health conditions like chronic pain, anxiety, and insomnia. This was the main drive for CreakyJoint’s study since they intended to understand how people in their community can use cannabis to relieve their symptoms.

Findings from the research were presented at the Annual European Congress of Rheumatology conference of 2019. 1059 arthritis patients filled out questionnaires with 77 questions. More than 57% of the participants said that they had tried CBD or Cannabis (or both) to help in relieving pain. Most of the surveyed patients either had osteoarthritis or rheumatoid, while a smaller portion suffered from fibromyalgia, psoriatic arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis.

Survey participants also commented that they did not use Medical marijuana and CBD just for pain relief, but also for a range of other issues related to their condition. These include depression, insomnia, pain, nausea, fatigue, and physical function. The study statistic showed that 97% of people with arthritis found cannabis useful in easing their symptoms. At the same time, 93% of the participants said that CBD was the only compound that had proven effective for them.

Another interesting thing from the survey was doctor-patients conversations regarding CBD and cannabis. About 45% of study participants said that they started taking CBD and/or marijuana to treat arthritis symptoms while still being on prescription medication.

W. Benjamin Nowell, Ph.D, CreakyJoints’ Director of Patient-Centered Research said that through the survey data, it’s clear that many arthritis patients benefit from CBD or marijuana products. However, there is still much to learn how these supplements interact with prescription medications and over-the-counter medicines.

Nowell noted that it’s crucial for CBD and marijuana products to be tested for effectiveness, safety, and dosing in randomized control trails that are the key standards for understanding the benefits and risks of treating a disease.

Denis is one of the most experienced researchers for reviews we have with years of experience in writing about CBD products. He will be one of the most viewed authors due to his own thrill in sharing what he is learning about cannabidiol and supplement use. With a goal of providing clarity within the budding CBD oil industry, Denis will be spending much of the year going through a catalogue of cannabis oil companies in the near future.

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