The newest cannabinoid ingestible drops, RESET Ritual, is formulated to help you reset your night, morning, and noon rituals, have just arrived. These ingestible drops are formulated with CBD, CBG, CBN, water-based, free of THC, and easily absorbable. The unique next-generation cannabinoid drops provide better flavor and taste than the everyday tinctures and oils.
The drops use a three-three systems Rest Ritual, including Restore CBN, Function CBG, and Balance CBD, intended to improve your digestion, boost your sleep, and enhance your mood. The drops are a high-end input of the RESET Bioscience cannabinoid wellness leaders and are proven to be consistent, quality, and efficient. These water-based broad-spectrum cannabinoids are manufactured in line with the best-pharmaceutical standards.
Based on your unique ritual needs, order a customized and convenient pack that meets your preferences and suits your individual health needs. The drops can be taken alone or mixed with coffee, cocktails, or water.
Listed here is the RESET Ritual’s product line:
Boost your wellness and health when you include the newly introduced Foundation Broad Spectrum drops to your health routine. The products are versatile and can be mixed with multiple drinks, including water and tea, to help you achieve that soothing feeling and a quality night of sleep.
The products help you enjoy the outstanding benefits of cannabinoids with optimal freshness and safety. These products are customized to enhance your wellness while keeping your health intact. So what qualities make these products outstanding?
Ordinary CBD tinctures and oils have a limited shelf life of not more than six months, with many of them not having any scientific backup. These products are designed to be entirely fresh, and their freshness is not limited. They are not like your normal CBD oils that begin to oxidize, discolor, and separate once they are opened. The RESET Ritual products have an extensive shelf life of 12 months and include a ‘use by' date on every label, which is up to three times the longevity of similar products.
The RESET Ritual is low dose and proven to be effective. The bottles each come with a demarcated dropper perfect for measuring a 10mg serving. Considering these cannabinoids are water-soluble, they won’t become concentrated in your liver to trigger high toxicity levels.
The premium-grade plant-based ingredients used in creating Reset Ritual are confirmed to be non-GMO, gluten-free, and soy-free. The products contain no artificial sweeteners, so you don’t have to worry about excess sugars, calories, or cholesterol. The most interesting thing is RESET Ritual products are dual-tested under the highly reputed Sante Laboratories that follow refined verification standards. These products are wholly confirmed to be free of solvents, pesticides, microbial and heavy metals.
To learn more about RESET Ritual, consumers can visit the official website at, or contact them by phone 9 AM-6 PM (CST) – US: (737) 234-5735.
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