As the saying goes, there’s always some good in the bad and some bad in the good. This has been the viewpoint in relation to the cannabis sativa plant. While many continue to feel discomfort in regard to marijuana, it’s the good, or hemp that seems to bring one’s confidence back up.
Hemp-derived cannabinoids, primarily, CBD, CBC, CBG, and CBN, have left many considering whether prescription drugs are truly the way to go. Why is this? Because, said cannabinoids have the potential to treat a wide range of health concerns. All this being said, how cannabinoids are delivered to the body is an important factor to consider, as it signifies the level of effect attained and of course, the rate of healing experienced.
We’ve seen a wide range of delivery systems take form, but the Opti-Health Patch’s approach seems to be rather unique. To see if it is superior to the standard within the cannabis market, the following review will look closely at the Opti-Health Patch with respect to its intended purpose, its uses and its overall affordability.
The Opti-Health Patch is a transdermal patch infused with hemp extract oil. What differs from hemp extract oil and a pure CBD solution, is that the former carries a wide range of cannabinoids in traces, whereas the latter is stronger in just CBD. The ingredient here has been chosen with the intention of bringing relief to consumers. This could imply potentially reducing the risk of artery blockage, inflammation and ensuring that one’s neurons’ health is on par.
A key benefit with the Opti-Health Patch is its delivery mechanism. First, it has a higher bioavailability compared to oils, tinctures and edibles. How is this? For any solution to be felt, it must enter the bloodstream, but before it can do so, it might travel through the digestive system. This is bad because a portion of a solution can get lost before entering the bloodstream. On the contrary, transdermal patches completely deliver its contents to the body.
Second, consumers do not need to fear of over or under ingesting hemp extract, as each patch is made with accurate doses. Third, its convenience ensures consumers to administer them as needed. It is as simple as sticking a patch onto the affected region and allowing approximately 10 to 20 minutes before feeling its effects. Finally, when compared to topicals, transdermal patches appear to stand out once again because of the latter’s odorless solution, which might be preferred over a scented cream or salve.
As per the claims made, when used as directed, the Opti-Health Patch can be beneficial in relieving pain, anxiety, mood and insomnia, while helping to better one’s hair, nails, skin, immune and brain functions. This indicates that the patches can be applied on any region of the body – making it a multi-purpose product.
As for the Opti-Health Patch’s overall affordability, consumers can expect to invest approximately $59.95 for a month’s worth of supply. To save money, bulk options have also been offered, which include a four-month supply for $37.49 per month and an eight-month supply for $24.99 per month. The prices appear to be fair bearing in mind the fact that each purchase can last nearly one month (longer depending of the severity of the pain).
In general, transdermal patches are an ideal form of delivery as consumers are getting 100% of the medicinal properties housed in each patch. Also, its ease of use, accurate dosage and convenience is matchless to oils that are typically unbearable in taste, disproportionate in doses and require time for infusing purposes. Furthermore, the results are much more immediate than oils that typically take anywhere between 20 and 45 minutes before its contents can be felt.
What makes the Opti-Health Patch unique, besides its delivery of method, is the length of relief it offers. As per the claims made, consumers can expect 18 hours of full relief and repair, which is nowhere near comparable to an oil’s three to five hours. In addition, the use of hemp extract oil is clever here, as it contains the whole hemp plant, as opposed to a single cannabinoid. Given existing studies, the benefits of a whole plant solution significantly outweigh that of single cannabinoids.
Lastly, it is evident that the Opti-Health Patch has been created for the general public, as different price options have been made available to meet one’s individualistic budget. In fact, they are quite inexpensive considering the length of relief each patch can bring. The only other factor that can either extend or shorten the supply is the severity of the pain felt. For more information on how to reap the benefits of the Opti-Health Patch, go to:
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