BioCBD Plus: CBD Company News and Product Review Updates

BioCBD Plus: Natural CBD Hemp Extract + Water Soluble Cannabidiol Products

For those not aware of what Cannabidiol (CBD) is, it is essentially one of 85 phytocannabinoids that scientists have identified to exist within the cannabis plant. With this information in mind, it is worth noting that there are also a whole host of different phytocannabinoids that too can exist in different varieties of cannabis plants. However, most cannabinoids rarely occur in huge concentrations in any single plant so as to have any tangible effects on one’s body.

Recently, researchers have found that cultivars of industrial hemp can possess a CBD concentration of up to 40%– thus making it useful for medicinal purposes. With that being said, cannabinoids are still quite a gray area when it comes to medical certification. As a result of this, the FDA and other government agencies have refrained from making assertions in regards to this highly beneficial substance. However, there is a whole host of independent research that can be found online that directly points to the benefits of CBD and how it can really change the way in which a person experiences his/her day to day life.

What Products are Being Offered?

BioCBD Plus Muscle & Joint Relief Topical Oil

As the name clearly suggests, BioCBD’s Muscle & Joint Relief Oil is designed to combine full-spectrum CBD with a host of proven all-natural ingredients that deliver amazing results in a fast and efficient manner.

All of the CBD that is used to formulate the product has been derived from “organically grown” European hemp plants that contain synergistic cannabinoids along with terpenes (as well as other beneficial extracts that are much more effective then plain CBD isolates).

Use: As mentioned previously, all BioCBD Plus products have been scientifically formulated so as to penetrate deeply into our skin, muscles (in the quickest and easiest manner possible). To apply, all one has to do is simply massage the extract on a specific part of their body that is experiencing discomfort/pain of any sort.

Ingredients: Hemp Oil, Eucalyptus, Burseraceae, Ginger, Curcumin, White Willow Bark and CBD.

Each bottle comes with 2 oz of the topical oil and contains a weighted total of 64 mgs of CBDs. A single unit is priced reasonably at $60.

Lastly, the product is completely natural, vegan and has been devised without the use of any GMO based agents.

BioCBD+ Total Body Care (30 Capsules)

Total Body Care comprises of a unique formula that helps supply our bodies with highly bioavailable whole-plant CBD extracts. Each capsule comes packed with the goodness of full-spectrum cannabinoids as well as other key ingredients such as curcumin and magnesium.

While not popular in the west, Curcumin is well known in south-east Asia for its amazing anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties. Similarly, Magnesium is also a highly respected mineral/ electrolyte agent that helps facilitate optimal muscle, nerve and enzyme function within the human body. Not only that, Magnesium is also known to be a precursor to serotonin (a compound that is associated with the production of happy emotions and thoughts).

As mentioned earlier, each bottle contains 30 capsules and is priced at $120.

I AM PEACE (Vape Cartridge)

As the name alludes to, I Am Peace is a new plant Vape formula that does not contain any MCT (instead, it only makes use of naturally occurring plant oils). Every inhalation of the medicine provides the recipient with a dose of hemp-derived cannabidiol (CBD) oil (with no THC or nicotine).

Not only that, there are no chemical fillers or flavours that have been added to the mix. Each disposable cartridge contains 500mg of the solution and can last the user anywhere between last 30-60 days (depending on one’s frequency of consumption).

Each package is available for a sum of $50. Payments can be made via regular credit/debit cards.

To place an order, customers can visit the official BioCBD plus website. There, by simply following a simple set of instructions, customers can complete their desired purchase within a matter of minutes.

How is High Quality CBD Usually Obtained?

Over the years, the techniques that have been used to procure high quality CBD extracts have become more and more sophisticated. Most commonly, manufacturers make use of certain varieties of industrial hemp that contain high doses of CBD. The final extract is usually obtained in the form of a raw oil that is high in CBD and virtually free of any THC extracts. Following this, the raw oil is then converted into a water-soluble solution through a variety of different processes so as to make the resultant formula highly bioavailable.

How does CBD Affect Our Bodies?

Many of our readers may not be aware but the human body is also known to produce its own cannabinoids. These endogenous cannabinoids usually help govern the nervous system within our bodies via the use of two niche’ receptors namely: CB1 and CB2.

CB1 receptors are quite common throughout our bodies and can be found all over our connective tissues, gonads, glands, and organs. Similarly, CB2 receptors are a little less in number and are mainly spread across our immune system. It is also worth mentioning that quite unlike THC that makes us feel high, CBD usually activates our body’s natural mechanisms to activate the CB1 and CB2 receptors without any of the side effects delivered by THC.

The Legal Aspects of CBD

While the use of cannabis in itself might be subject to different legal opinions, it is worth noting that industrial hemp is a completely ‘non-psychoactive’ and thus is not subject to the purview of the ‘United States – Controlled Substances Act’. To be even more specific, we can see that it is completely legal for companies/individuals to import, sell, and consume industrial hemp within the US.

Why Choose BioCBD+?

Ever since CBD has caught the attention of the masses at large, the folks over at BioCBD+ have been working tirelessly to provide a growing number of health enthusiasts with the highest quality, water soluble Cannabidiol (CBD) + Ayurvedic herbal supplements.

A quick look at the company’s industrial setup shows us that the firm is highly committed to the principles of “sustainability, holistic health and unbiased medicinal education” — all while providing people with affordable, scientifically-advanced healthcare products.
