Lifocity Envoi CBD: Full Spectrum Hemp Oil, Softgels and Pain Cream Products

For those who’ve recently come across Lifocity, it has supposedly been created to help consumers make an income. Lifocity is a multi-level marketing (MLM) scheme that boasts Durt and Envoi products. With that in mind, the following review will cover everything there is to know in regard to this respective brand; from the founders, and their history to the products and the compensation plan in place.

Who are the founders of Lifocity?

The founders of Lifocity are Doug and Sheila Braun. As per the official website, Doug has over 25 years of experience leading global network marketing organizations. His vision for Lifocity is to help support individuals in the attaining financial freedom, while increasing support for Durt and Envoi products. On the other hand, we have Sheila, who has equal years of experience in both sales and network marketing organizations.

While a positive picture has been painted in regard to the two founders, Behind MLM did further research to see where the duo stands. While much was not revealed on Sheila, some information has been found on Doug that matches his description. Based on what’s been found, Doug was Usana’s Chief Marketing Officer prior to launching Lifocity, a position that he held for nearly seven years. Besides MLM schemes, he was also allegedly involved in medical services and marketing firms.

In addition to Doug and Sheila, Terry LaCore might also be an owner, as Lifocity’s corporate address was reported as belonging to the LaCore Enterprises.

What is there to know in regard to the Lifocity brands?

Lifocity is described as three brands in one. In particular, they include Lifocity, Durt and Envoi. The first is nothing more than an income opportunity that involves Durt and Envoi.

Durt Products

Durt currently offers two products: Durt black and Durt gold. Durt black is an all-natural concentrate derived from minerals. In particular, it contains humic and fulvic acid in the form of a drink. Its reported benefits include,

“Enhanced nutrition absorption, boost in immune system, pH balance, detoxification and aids in digestion.”

For optimal results, individuals have been suggested to take one packet of Durt black with 16 ounces of water one to two times per day. For 32 servings, the current going price is $65.95.

While Durt Black replenishes the body, Durt Gold allegedly boosts energy levels. Containing alkaline fulvic acid, it is not only expected to increase energy levels, but potentially one’s vitality, stamina, circulation and electrolytes presences as well. There are no restrictions as to how many one can take as long as each serving is consumed with 16 ounces of water. For 32 servings, the current going price is $69.95.

Envoi Products

Envoi Products contain full-spectrum and isolate CBD, along with ingredients. For the time being, there are three products to consider, which include the 1000mg CBD Instant Relief ($45.95 for 60ml), 25mg CBD Hemp Softgel with Curcumin (30 count for $65.95) and 500mg CBD Full Spectrum Hemp Oil (29.6ml for $69.95). All products have been backed by Certificate of Analyses, which indicate the overall cannabinoid profile and potency and toxins tests.

How does the Lifocity Compensation Plan work?

There are three ways to participate in what’s dubbed, “the Lifocity Rewards Program”:

As a Customer

As a customer, individuals can get hold of a free product every month by referring two SmartSave Subscription customers. In addition to bringing in new members, individuals will have to actively make purchases as well. Bear in mind that only one order per customer will be qualified. If a customer placed multiple orders, the order with the highest value will be used towards the SmartSave Bonus.

Affiliate Influencer

These are individuals who want to create a business based on selling products to earn retail commissions. The annual membership fee is $10 USD, which provides access to the Lifocity Affiliate Cloud meant to help individuals track orders, commissions and access to an array of business tools. The downside to this system is that as an influencer, income will only be generated from one level, not from others within the network.

As a Brand Partner

Brand Partners are the ones who can build a network of customers, affiliate influencers and others. The annual membership fee is $30 USD. Once enrolled, individuals will have to set up a SmartSave subscription and take the FastStart Challenge.

In the FastStart Challenge, there are four packages:

  • Business Builder Pack: Pre-qualifies members at Rank 5 for one year and doubles Level 1 payout to 40%. However, to receive the latter, this package needs to be purchased within 10 days after enrollment.
  • FastStart14Bonus requires members to have 100 PSV points in the last month, 800 SV personal team volume and two personally enrolled customers who placed a full-size order. As a result, the perks are as follows:
  • A one-time $250 cash bonus with 100 LIFE Bucks
  • Levels 2 and 3 of Enroller bonus (10% and 20% respectively)
  • Level 4 at 5%
  • FastStart30Bonus requires members to have 100 PSV points in the last month, 1600 SV personal team volume and four personally enrolled customers who placed a full-size order.

If these required have been fulfilled, the perks include:

  • A one-time $500 cash bonus with 100 LIFE Bucks
  • Possible shares in FastStart30 Leadership Pool
  • FastStart30Pool is described as a “pool for Brand Partners who earned the FastStart30 Bonus during their qualifying cycle, based on 0.5% of company-wide New Volume during the calendar month.” The perks are as follows:
  • 800 NV = 1 share
  • 1200 NV = 3 shares
  • 3000 NV = 5 shares

What is there to know about the Retail Rewards?

Retail Commissions are paid based on the percent of SV that occurs on each of 1 to 11 levels. Based on ranks, the earning potential is as follows:

  • Level 1 Brand Partner: 5% on ranks 1 through 10
  • Level 2 Brand Partner: 1% on the first level and 5% on ranks 2 through 10
  • Level 3 Brand Partner: 1% on the first two levels and 5% on ranks 3 through 10
  • Level 4 Brand Partner: 1% on the first three levels and 5% on ranks 4 through 10
  • Level 5 Brand Partner: 1% on the first four levels and 5% on ranks 5 through 10
  • Level 6 Brand Partner: 1% on the first five levels and 5% on ranks 6 through 10
  • Level 7 Brand Partner: 1% on the first six levels and 5% on ranks 7 through 10
  • Level 8 Brand Partner: 1% on the first seven levels and 5% on ranks 8 through 10

The last three levels only have the ability to make 1% on ranks 8 to 10.

Retailer Bonus pays different percentages based on customers. So, personal customers get 40%, whereas the bonus rate varies for level 1, 2 and 3 customers (5%, 10% and 15% respectively). In the latter case, each level needs to have four personally enrolled customers.

Then there’s Retail Match, where individuals will earn a percentage of the retail commissions earned by brand partners, who continue to contribute towards a Brand Partner’s TV (i.e. team volume). This is 10% and is only applicable within the first three levels.

Finally comes the 5G Champion Bonus, which, in addition to the Retail Commissions, offers a percentage of SV that occurs from unlimited levels of Brand Partners. Here’s a summary of the five generations:

  • Generation 1: ranks 6 to 10 gives 2% each
  • Generation 2: rank 6 (1%), 7 and 8 (2%) and 9 and 10 (3%)
  • Generation 3: ranks 6 and 7 (1%), 8 and 9 (3%) and 10 (4%)
  • Generation 4: ranks 6 to 8 (1%), 9 (3%) and 10 (5%)
  • Generation 5: ranks 6 to 10 (1%)

How to get started?

To get started in the Lifocity Affiliate membership, individuals will have to pick between different kits. For the time being, there is no price information on the Business Builder Kit, but according to Behind MLM, the Brand Experience Kit costs $313 and the Brand Builder Kit costs $589.

Final Thoughts

There are a number of things to consider prior to getting involved in the Lifocity Compensation Plan. For starters, the products offered aren’t so unique, especially when it comes to the Envoi CBD brand. This market is already saturated with topical solutions, softgels and oils. However, Durt seems to be interesting considering the fact that it focuses on supplements using minerals. That said, more research is required on the ingredients used to ensure that consumer health is not compromised.

As for the compensation plan itself, the starting fees aren’t so bad, as they match most MLM schemes. Having said that, the income-generating paths are quite overwhelming. More money needs to be invested to actually earn commissions and each income opportunity has new sets of requirements. Throughout their disclosure, certain information seems to have been left out, which will further add to one’s confusion. To learn more about the Lifocity brands and their income-generating opportunities, click here before proceeding.

Beth Jenkins


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