Leafreport’s partnership with Canalysis, aimed at testing the potency of bestselling CBD products, unearthed a secret by the CBD companies that customers never knew. The study’s findings confirmed that most of the product labels are not accurate as only one out of the four edibles tested contained the advertised amount of CBD.
According to the findings, the CBD content in 63% of the products was higher than advertised.
As per Leafreport’s head of product, Lital Shafir, measuring the CBD content in edibles is more demanding than in capsules and tinctures. The research discovered some discrepancies, the reason you should consult with the brand before buying. It also emphasizes the need to check third-party lab reports before making any purchase.
Cannabis experts advise that no cannabis product should contain more than 10% of the advertised cannabinoid amounts. Offering products that deviate too much from the recommended CBD content could put consumers’ lives at risk because most of them rely on the product labels to make buying decisions.
According to the report, only 25% of the 40 products tested contained CBD contents close to the figures specified on the label. Sadly, 75% of the products tested from the 21 brands selected included CBD contents up to 30% more or less than advertised.
Out of the 40 edibles tested, only 25% had their CBD contents fall within the 10% recommended levels. The shocking thing is that most of the products that fell within the best-rated health CBD products were from newer and less-known brands.
According to Leafreport’s set standards and as per Canalysis’s strict guidelines, the report was done to ensure unrivaled accuracy and transparency. Leafreport’s previous reports, including the CBD Beverages and CBD price reports, signposted significant-quality inconsistencies just like this report.
That simply confirms that there are serious quality issues in the CBD space, which should be addressed. For customers to discover high-quality and highly efficient CBD products in the unregulated market, they should always check the accuracy and efficiency of the products before making purchase decisions.
Edibles report summary
Leaftreport is a science-backed peer-reviewed internet-based company focused on offering quality resources to help consumers learn more about CBD products. The company works with highly experienced pharmacists, chemists, physicians, naturopaths, and nutritionists to provide patient-oriented medical reviews and educational content to help customers make informed buying decisions.
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