HempFreeze CBD Cream: Dr. Anne Peterson Announces Free Giveaway

Joint Health Research Institute’s Dr. Anne Peterson announces the free giveaway of 3 HempFreeze CBD cream jars for each jar that’s bought. The shipping and handling costs are also supported by the company sending the jars, and customers are protected by a 60-day money-back guarantee, so this deal should definitely be considered.

What Makes HempFreeze Different from Other Pain Creams?

HempFreeze stands out from the crowd when compared with other pain relief creams because it contains ingredients that have been clinically tested. Besides, it has been FDA-listed to deliver the promised results. At the same time, it’s formulated with CBD, one of the most powerful ingredients known to naturally deal with chronic pain. This cream doesn’t only stop the pain, it also reduces the body’s sensitivity to it.

Most of the standard creams available on the market haven’t been subjected to clinical studies, this being one of the reasons why they don’t work, not to mention they contain Trolamine, Capsaicin, Diclofenac and Salicylate, all toxic compounds in high doses for the human body because they don’t get properly absorbed and cause the skin to be damaged. But none of these cases applies for HempFreeze.

HempFreeze is 100% SAFE

Unlike other pain creams, HempFreeze is 100% SAFE, seeing it has been developed by specialized doctors from New Jersey at an Ohio facility that has been FDA-registered. After years of research and months being developed, it has been released on the market for all Americans, no matter their age, to use it and benefit from its pain-relieving effects.

Using HempFreeze and not pills is much better for the body. Pills can reduce the lifespan of a person, not to mention they’re expensive and addictive. HempFreeze can be used many times a day, in the morning, after exercising, or anytime when there’s pain. It should be applied externally on the shoulders, hands, neck, knees and any other part of the body. Sensitive areas such as the mouth and the eyes should be avoided, also those areas with broken skin.

Created Through Cryotherapy – the Nerve Cooling Technology

Not only HempFreeze contains 500mg of the incredible pain reliever CBD, it’s also developed through cryotherapy, the nerve cooling technology that has been used in Europe for more than 57 years. This means it binds to the skin’s TRPM-8 receptors, which are dysfunctional in patients suffering from pain. HempFreeze comes to change all this and to gently cool the affected area, resetting nerve impulses to optimal levels and normalizing the signals sent by the pain receptors to the brain. This way, sensitivity to pain is greatly reduced.

It can be used to treat inflammation, stiffness and swelling too. And what’s also great about it is that it takes effect in only a few minutes. It doesn’t have any smell and doesn’t stain clothes either, which means it can be used whenever. Besides, it doesn’t irritate the skin. On the contrary, it makes it softer. CBD has been proven many times to be one of the best pain-relieving ingredients, so HempFreeze uses it specifically for this reason.

As a word of caution, make sure you to not confuse with New Age Hemp Freeze product, as this is different than Dr. Anne Peterson's HempFreeze CBD cream. Another product to compare is the Pro Restore CBD+ if the HempFreeze full-spectrum hemp-derived CBD cream isn't right for you.

Otto Baynes

Otto Baynes, a self-titled ‘great researcher’ with a Bachelor's Degree in Journalism, Linguistics, and Sociology, is one of the main core contributors at TOC to deliver daily news and fresh takeaways. It becomes very evident when consuming his cleverly-crafted content that his avid health and nutrition research skills are top shelf and are on full display. Watch Otto closely as Mr. Baynes plans to keep a pulse on the rapidly-evolving hemp and CBD industries.


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