Cannabinoid Industry Association’s New Accredited CBD Specialist (ACBDS) is a Certified CBD Consultant Course

According to the Cannabinoid Industrial Association (Association), an Accredited CBD Specialist is a credential that makes one a:

“recognized expert of CBD health and wellness. CBD specialists are practitioners with the knowledge to design custom programs for patients. Earning this certification demonstrates advanced skill and professional distinction.”

The course costs $549, and there are a number of requirements that course members must fulfill to receive their accreditation. The Association indicates that course members must complete:

  • An 8 hour course
  • 12 prerequisite EUs
  • A proctored exam with 100 multiple choice questions
  • 12 CEUs per year for renewal

One someone receives their accredited CBD specialist license, there are a number of other options that they can choose from to receive additional accreditation. For example, these options include:

  • Certified CBD Consultant

    The Certified CBD Consultant credential shows “that you have the skills to work with clients today — and entertain the research of tomorrow. You’ll gain the confidence to tailor CBD into basic health and wellness programs.” The program requires a 6 hour course, 6 prerequisite EUs, a proctored exam, and 12 CEUs per year for renewal.

  • Minor Phytocannabinoid Specialist

    The Minor Phytocannabinoid Specialist is a credential that “makes you a recognized expert of Phytocannabinoids. Phytocannabinoid Specialists are formulators, practitioners, researchers and professionals with the knowledge to design and implement custom programs for patients, custom formulations or other applications of Phytocannabinoids. Earning this certification demonstrates advanced skill and professional distinction.”

  • Accredited Terpene Specialist

    The Accredited Terpene Specialist is a credential that “makes you a recognized expert of terpenes and their health benefits and applications. Terpene Specialists are often practitioners, formulators, and other professionals with the knowledge to better implement terpenes into their work. Earning this certification demonstrates advanced skill and professional distinction.”

  • Certified Flavonoid Specialist

    Lastly, the Certified Flavonoid Specialist is a “credential will give you the expertise in the newly explored world of cannabis flavonoids, their health benefits and the ability to entertain the research of tomorrow. Flavonoid Specialists are formulators, practitioners and professionals knowledge to design and implement custom formulations, programs and other applications of Flavonoids. Earning this certification demonstrates advanced skills and professional distinction.”

These descriptions are based on the Cannabinoid Industrial Association’s courses and course descriptions. The association also offers a number of expos that individuals who are interested can look into.

Raechel Donahue


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