UrthLeaf CBD Vitality Gummies: Los Angeles’ CBD Company Launches New Pain Relief Product

UrthLeaf’s recent launch of the CBD Vitality Gummies has allegedly wowed consumers reports PR Newswire. What makes UrthLeaf unique from the rest? The mere fact that their products have brought relief to customers, versus competitors – who either offer products with fillers or do not incorporate enough CBD to make a difference.

PR Newswire referenced a customer who has since applauded the product’s effectiveness. The customer, who goes by the name Sarah, supposedly purchased the CBD Vitality Gummies, found that it was able to relieve pain. She said,

“It was unlike anything I’d ever tried before. I’ve suffered from extreme anxiety my entire life, and a friend recommended CBD as the cure.”

What initially filled her with doubt, led her to try CBD infused products. Unfortunately, her experiences from the get-go were not great, which led to even more doubt. She found that her previous experiences either resulted in short-term relief or had side effects attached. Once she tried the gummies, she felt immediate relief:

“I took one and boom! It worked like magic. My anxiety gets relieved for the entire day just from one of these tiny gummies, and I see absolutely no side effects!”

Another customer, Lindsey, was also referenced in the post. She supposedly gave her grandfather of 81 years of age the gummies. She was reported saying,

“After being recommended the gummies from a friend, I decided to try them out. They were amazing! He seemed to completely gain his energy back and was back to the same old pop I knew and loved! He and I are UrthLeaf patients for life.”

Overview of the CBD Vitality Gummies

As advertised on UrthLeaf’s official website, the CBD Vitality Gummies, which are legal in all 50 states as well as 40 different countries, are beneficial for those who have or continue to experience pain, stress, inflammation, anxiety, depression or sleep deprivation.

Each gummy has 20mg of CBD, which is a significant amount compared to average oils that claim to have 10mg per drop. Another feature that seems to be rather new in recent times is the overall quality of the CBD used. In particular, each gummy is claimed as 100% organic and contains as little as apple cider, blueberries, CBD and extracted hemp oil.

Most of all, they have been created in a more fun and relaxed way of consuming CBD, which also happens to tickle the taste buds. For more information, click here.

Stephen Henry

Stephen resides in Yorkshire, UK and is in his mid-fifties. Aside from a wide range of occupations, he was a National Health Service manager and psychiatric registered nurse before becoming a full time freelance writer. As a dedicated lifelong learner and rigid researcher, Stephen is keen to be one of our best contributors for year to come in the hemp and CBD industries.


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