Mighty Self FOCUS: Cannabis-Infused for Clarity and Productivity with CBD and THC

The nutraceutical market category is continually increasing every day as people continue to discover the medicinal and health-giving benefits of certain foods. Research has shown that using nutraceuticals can help to promote healthy well-being, guard against malignant processes, and control symptoms. The Mighty Self Focus is one such nutraceutical product that claims to deliver improved productivity and mental clarity. Read on below and discover whether you should consider taking this cannabis-based nutraceutical supplement.

Mighty Self Focus Review

The Might Self Focus features easy to use gel caps that come with small servings of CBD, THC, and other beneficial bioactive compounds. The key to the effectiveness of these daily gel caps is that all the respective natural ingredients work better together, which means less cannabis content. The result is that you now have a highly effective product to enhance your clarity or productivity without the risk of getting high. Focus is, therefore capable of delivering a mix of selected cannabinoids and bioactive ingredients like L-Theanine and Theobromine to improve attention and mental energy without giving users the spiking and crashing feeling associated with coffee and energy drinks.

Key ingredients

  • CBD 1mg
  • THC 1mg
  • Coconut MCT Oil
  • Gluten-free
  • Sugar-free
  • Maltodextrin
  • Bioactive compounds including theobromine, B-6, and theanine

About Mighty

The Mighty Self brand was launched in 2016 when the founders discovered that consuming small amounts of CBD and THC every day had a positive difference in their lives. They initially started by making these colorful capsules with 1mg of CBD and THC to assist their friends without getting too high. Later, they introduced new formulations that included blended cannabis and bioactive ingredients for a more functional and beneficial natural product.

Key Benefits

The main benefit of using these Focus pills is that it significantly increases your absorption rate. While vaping or smoking cannabis provides nearly immediate effects, these effects quickly dissipate after around two hours. However, with these gel caps, you start to feel the mental boost from 30 minutes to one hour, and the effects will last for several hours. So, if you are looking for lasting psychoactive effects, then using these gel caps are the best option.

Also, each Focus capsule contains THC and CBD that has been sourced from a full-spectrum organic plant extract. The company engages in third-party laboratory testing to ensure high quality products. The vegan-friendly gel capsules interact with the body’s ECS system, which gives you the focus of powering through work or exercise.

Recommended dosage

The dosage that you choose to take your Focus capsules will depend on several factors, including tolerance, weight, and also your target. If it’s the first time, you can start with one tablet per day and then increase gradually. Might Self advises users to start by taking a test that involves taking a pill while their stomach is empty. If you notice the desired mental boost, then you have found your best dose; if not, you can take two capsules the following day to find the perfect dosage.

Mighty Focus Verdict

Whether you have writer’s block or you want to efficiently perform your work, taking two capsules of Mighty Self Focus will give you that boost you need.

Ella Hughes

Ella D. Hughes’ input strengthens the legal presence at TOC with her litigator nature and fondness with fitness and adamant cooking skills. During her undergraduate study, she dove deep into diverse fields of psychology, theater, evolutionary biology, psychopharmacology, and romance languages. After being admitted to the bar, TOC is leaning on Ella to help cover the rapidly evolving cannabis and hemp industries for legal insights and regulatory law feedback.


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