Kentucky-based Draconis Extraction Technology (DET) Looks for Industrial Scale CBD Extraction

The current state of the CBD market requires small-batch production in order to provide the highest quality product. For those who are using CBD to treat a critical illness or for other medical reasons, the quality of the CBD is crucial to the efficacy of the treatment. However, as when any product is made on a small scale and with great attention, it takes more time and money to make. This is why high-quality CBD comes at a cost that is too high for many who need it the most.

People are using CBD to treat a variety of health issues including anxiety, epileptic seizures, insomnia, and chronic pain. The average cost for 1000 mg of broad-spectrum CBD is $350. Many users are finding that, with effective doses, this quantity will only last them between 10-15 days. Depending on the frequency of use as well as the exact dosage, one could see how this could add up to a significant amount of money per month. For those who may be on disability or with limited incomes, this cost is far too high.

The key to making CBD more accessible and to decrease the cost of the product, is by producing CBD on a larger, industrial scale. A company in Kentucky is looking to do just that. Draconis Extraction Technology (DET) is working on a process that would convert 25 tons of hemp biomass per day into high-quality CBD. They are also looking to use the hemp by-products in environmentally and ethically sound ways.

Paul Baskis is the scientist and designer behind the technology. He has worked for more than 30 years in process development, wastewater treatment and compound isolation. His experience is in designing large systems and DET is getting ready to build an industrial-scale extraction facility.

What they will be able to produce each day is several times more than commercial CO2 extraction. This technology would bring production costs down as well as increase supply which would make high-quality CBD more affordable.

The company also prides itself on sustainability and circular economy. The by-products of the extraction such as the waxes and oils can be used in cosmetics and the pulp can even be used to make paper, fabric, or bioplastics. If there aren’t any buyers for these by-products, the company has developed a way to use this pulp as fuel for their extractor or as a carbon-based fertilizer for soil.

The options are many and perhaps the most exciting news is that this is only one of the first companies leading this type of technology since legalization at the end of 2018.

Cathy Nickel


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