Medical Marijuana Initiative in Mississippi Closes in on Petition Signatures for State’s 2020 Ballot

A petition for a medical marijuana initiative for the state’s 2020 ballot is reportedly making headway. If enough signatures are gathered, then the Mississippi Secretary of State will need to certify the petition.

If it does go ahead, the proposed initiative will permit individuals with certain medical conditions to consult doctors and to receive a recommendation for medical marijuana. There are 22 qualifying medical conditions, which include chronic pain, PTSD, cancer, and epilepsy. Upon receiving approval from their doctor, patients will be permitted to receive 2.5 ounces of marijuana for a14-day period for the purpose of its therapeutic effects.

Jamie Grantham, a communications director with Medical Marijuana 2020, discussed the strides at Refill Café in Jacksonville, Mississippi. She stated,

“This is a massive movement where people are finding relief.”

She added that the medical program will be a benefit to patients with debilitating diseases and

“These are conditions that affect people’s quality of life on a daily basis, your ability to be able to function.”

Although patients would have access to medical marijuana through the measure, insurance is unlikely to cover the costs because marijuana is still a Schedule I drug under federal law.

At this point, it appears that the campaign may be successful. Grantham shared with Marijuana Movement, “The campaign is pleased to report that we’ve met with much support and interest throughout the state regarding medical marijuana as a treatment option for patients suffering from debilitating medical conditions.”

Gregory Smith

Gilbert Smith is rolling into his double digit year of occupation as a professional writer and skilled freelancer who has been worked and been featured with many mainstream media publications including and a host of others. The personality blended in with plenty of humor will shine through as he continues to highlight the pearls of the coming age of CBD oil.


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