Resilience: CBD Company News and Product Review Updates

Resilience CBD: Athletes Hemp CBD Topical Pain Relief and Oil Tinctures

The human body houses a cannabinoid-based system called the endocannabinoid system (eCS). It contains two cloned receptors CB1 (which are typically found in the brain) and CB2 (highly related to immunologic responses). The reason why many studies show significant evidence that CBD has the ability to rid body soreness is simply because it can attach itself to both receptors (with more emphasis on the immune-related one). This is where it is most fit to introduce Resilience CBD.

Resilience CBD is trusted to induce the necessary motivation in consumers to continue towards. making progress while ensuring that the main hindrance is eliminated. In order to achieve this, an array of orally ingested and topical solutions have been offered. Here’s an overview of the story behind Resilience CBD.

What is Resilience CBD?

Resilience was initially founded on the notion of spreading the word about CBD. That said, the to focus on creating CBD awareness and notifying individuals of the positive impact it can have on one’s physical and mental self. Given the widespread benefits, Resilience devoted to ensuring that athletes of all or no levels have effective recovery solutions that will only push them to success. To see how exactly the word about CBD has been voiced, let’s take a closer look at the essentials offered.

What does Resilience CBD currently offer?

Currently, Resilience CBD offers either supplements (gummies and oils) or topicals (creams and body lotion). They range from full spectrum (i.e. a mix of cannabinoids) to isolate (CBD only) solutions to ensure each and every individual’s beliefs are also reflected in the products.

For instance, the CBD Gummies are deemed an all-CBD treat with anti-inflammatory properties. Consumers have since been advised to take one to two once or twice daily to achieve a relief that’s convenient and effective.

The full spectrum oil is trusted to induce a sense of calmness and rest in consumers, while having the ability to control inflammation. It does contain THC, but it only accounts for 0.3% of the oil, which is the accepted threshold. The single difference between the former and an isolate CBD oil, is that the latter does not contain any traces of THC.

Things have gotten a little bit more interesting with time, now that CBD sports creams are a thing. Resilience’s CBD sports cream offers a cooling and heating relief that targets the main source of pain and inflammation. Topicals are somewhat preferred simply because they immediately enter the bloodstream through the skin, versus oral ingestions, which are known to take more time.

In addition to the use of CBD, the sports cream claims to contain Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Menthol, Arnica and Shea butter, all of which maximizes one’s skin health.

Finally, the CBD Body lotion combines lemongrass and CBD for daily aches and pains rather than sports-related aches. Like the former, this body lotion provides targeted relief, but without the cooling and heating sensations.

Resilience CBD Final Thoughts

When one hears resilience, the immediate connection made would be to physical training, but Resilience CBD defines all walks of life, whether this includes someone who’s constantly at the gym or someone who’s pains are starting to limit their aptness. The end goal is to ensure that bodily aches do not hinder one’s success and Resilience CBD appears to have achieved this with their product lines.

They’ve not only provided oils, but also gummies and topical solutions of different spectrums, which goes to show their awareness on what makes consumers happy. Furthermore, this corresponding brand appreciates transparency as seen in the several lab results that have since been made available.

Most importantly, ensuring that consumers are aware of the existence of CBD and its benefits shouldn’t only be on a knowledge basis, but also one on an experience basis – and this has been accomplished with prices set anywhere between $14.99 and $39.99, which are affordable. To learn more about Resilience CBD, click here.
