Cannabis Trader: Legit Medical Marijuana Shares Online Trading Platform?

Cannabis Trader is a platform that describes cannabis as “among the most rapidly growing industries for investors to put their capital in and things are only going to get even more explosive.”

In an effort to highlight just how (according to the platform) “explosive,” things are getting, the platform provides a chart with an arrow trending upward and enlarged leaves, one for each year from 2016 to 2022. Not surprisingly, the left of the chart is unmarked. The big change is whether this type of platform is the path to, as the brand explains, “start changing your life today.” Likely not.

About Cannabis Trader and Unsubstantiated Claims

One of the most irksome features of the platform is that it features unsubstantiated claims. For example, the platform states “Shares of companies linked to cannabis for medicinal use have increased by 60% in just the last month. A trend over ten times higher than the growth of giants like Amazon and Apple. Experts see the value of these companies reaching 1000% over the next 3 years.”  There is no information to support such a position, making the claim dubious and difficult to believe. It also isn’t usually a good idea to place one’s hopes on a platform that doesn’t provide any insight.

Profit from CBD Investment?

The platform makes the claim that “cannabis for medicinal use, which has a growth trend 10 times higher, could yield a profit of 80 million dollars.” Again, like the platform’s other claims, there is nothing that shows support for such a statement. The  platform appears to be quite questionable.

“Certified” Online Trading Platform?

Cannabis Trader also presents itself as a “certified” online trading platform. However, the platform does not identify who certified it, what kind of certification is necessary, and what the certification means. Essentially, this suggests that the platform is presenting empty words without providing users with any substantive information that can help them to make an informed decision. Again, it’s difficult to get behind something that isn’t clear and informative.

Hefty Minimum Deposit

Another point to note is that anyone looking to join has to pay a hefty minimum deposit, which is $250. This is a significant fee to participate in a trading platform and does not appear worth it.

Cannabis Trader Summary

Overall, anyone interested in the CBD field should be wary of the “promotions” out there, especially where there is very little to no information to support their claims. The best decision that one can make is an informed one.

All information is for general informational and educational purposes only. Nothing should be interpreted as legal, investment, or wellness advice.

Jane Summers

Jane is a regular contributor who learned about the great benefits of CBD a few years ago after starting it herself. Impressed by its effects, she's interested in helping others learn about options that can be helpful for them.


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